These are a few of my favourite things (blog marathon post 23)

One of the best ways to cheer yourself up, when you have had a particularly nasty/busy/draining day is to think of your favourites. Your favourite person, your favourite spot in the house, your favourite drink---all of which instantly bring you joy. Studies have shown that when we look at photographs of those we love, our brains tell our body to release the endorphins and the 'feel-good' factor kicks in.

So when I found this meme on Sunday Stealing on Favourite things, I decided to do it as a blog post.

It asks you to list the following favourites..and I give next to it, my answers as well.

  1. Place: Norwich (part of the book 'The One You Cannot Have' is set here)
  2. Person: Of course Vee :)
  3. Color:  Sometimes yellow, sometimes black and sometimes green
  4. Food: Curd rice
  5. Smell: Chanel 5 or Eternity
  6. Book: Tuesdays with Morrie
  7. Movie: Shawshank Redemption
  8. Music artist:  Gotye, Goo-Goo Dolls, REM
  9. Thing to do when bored: I never get bored!I have so much to do always.
  10. Genre of literature: I don't believe in genres
  11. Magazine: Lonely Planet
  12. Texture: Fresh, crisp cotton
  13. Time of day: Nights
  14. Day of the week : Fridays
  15. Thing to learn about: Love to learn about anything new
  16. Thing about yourself : My determination
  17. Lifehack (a time saving, efficiency technique for life): Discipline!
If you want to do this meme too, feel free to use my comment box. (copy paste the questions from the meme link given in large size) 
I would love to know what your favourite things are! :)


My latest book 'It Happens for a reason' is in the top ten best-selling fiction.
Clip from Financial Express 21st Feb 2015

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  1. Place: US
    Color: Red
    Food: Biryani
    Smell: Rose
    Book: The diary of a young girl
    Movie: The fault in the stars(right now, yesterday i watched it)
    Music artist: ARR
    Thing to do when bored: Sleep
    Genre of literature: Whatever interests me
    Magazine: Womans Era
    Texture: Spicy Crispy Chicken!!
    Time of day: Afternoon
    Day of the week : Monday
    Thing to learn about: techy
    Thing about yourself : Persistence
    Lifehack (a time saving, efficiency technique for life): Stop Procrastination

  2. there is a big list of my favs :) .though i have special moments,that make me smile even when i'm sulking. the childhood memory of granny's stories, the evening time when my dad came home and my sis would stand before him with stretched palms for me. and even today, i steal my sister's chocolates, i eat half and keep the other part for her....such stuff gives a strange kind of joy...

    1. sorry, there's an's palms for money

  3. Place: Melbourne, Paris, Salzburg.
    Person: Me ;)
    Color: Green and blue
    Food: Dosa, Chocolates(Yes, it counts as food), Burger
    Smell: Flowery
    Book: Harry Potter series
    Movie: Unnale unnale(Tamil) and a handful of other movies
    Music artist: No one in particular. It's the music and mood that matters
    Thing to do when bored: Sleep or shop
    Genre of literature: Rom com, thrillers
    Magazine: Travel magazines
    Texture: Depends
    Time of day: Evening
    Day of the week : Tuesday
    Thing to learn about: To speak out my mind, To not procrastinate
    Thing about yourself : Wit and shrewdness
    Lifehack (a time saving, efficiency technique for life): Clear the clutter (around you and in your mind)

  4. Place: Abu Dhabi
    Person: My Dad
    Color: Purple
    Food: Continental, American, South Indian, North Indian, Mediterranean, and Chinese (In this order :-))
    Smell: Hugo Boss for Women
    Book: All the books written by Preeti Shenoy!
    Movie: Bangalore Days
    Music artist: There are so many! I can't pick just one!
    Thing to do when bored: Write restaurant reviews
    Genre of literature: I don't believe in genres
    Magazine: Femina
    Texture: Synthetic, Cotton, Silk, Denim
    Time of day: Nights
    Day of the week : Sundays
    Thing to learn about: Love to learn about anything new
    Thing about yourself : My caring nature
    Lifehack (a time saving, efficiency technique for life): Do things today and not leave them for tomorrow!

  5. Place: Maldives
    Person: My Dad
    Color: Purple
    Food: Italian Pasta and Pani Puri
    Smell: Petrichor
    Book: Books written by Dan Brown & Preeti
    Movie: 3 Idiots
    Music artist: Shreya Ghoshal
    Thing to do when bored: Reading on Quora and exploring about Interiors
    Genre of literature: nahh.
    Magazine: Huffington post (not really a magzine!)
    Texture: Linen
    Time of day: Late afternoon
    Day of the week : Friday
    Thing to learn about: Photography and Dance
    Thing about yourself : Funloving
    Lifehack (a time saving, efficiency technique for life): Friday evenings are the power house of stamina use it!

  6. Place: Bangalore (One of best place I loved staying there and would like to be back)
    Person: Other Me. :)
    Color: Red & White
    Food: Everything in Veg..!!! Am a Foodie. :)
    Smell: Woody
    Book: All in my closet
    Movie: Bollywood. Every movie..!!!
    Music artist: Kumar Sanu, Sonu, Arijit, Shreya n lot more.
    Thing to do when bored: Life never gives a chance to get bored. Lots to achieve
    Genre of literature: Love & Romance
    Magazine: Filmfare
    Texture: Denims
    Time of day: Day for me is 20hrs. Night: 4hrs
    Day of the week: Saturdays
    Thing to learn about: Anything and everything coming my way.
    Thing about yourself : My Will Power
    Lifehack (a time saving, efficiency technique for life): Smile Always..


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