Things happen for a reason (blog marathon post 7)

If you are in Bangalore, drop by at Landmark on Wednesday, 11th Feb at 6.30 pm. I will be there. It is going to be an interactive session and you can ask me questions and I will answer. I will also be talking about my journey from an unknown blogger to where I am today :) I do believe #ithappensforareason !
If you are not in Bangalore, but  have friends here who would like to attend, do send them the above invite.

The other day a journalist from 'The Hindu' was interviewing me. (I was later featured on the front page of The Hindu--metroplus)

I was telling the journo that whatever happens to us, does happen for a reason, though the reason is not evident at that time. I do believe that the Universe has a plan for each one of us. We cannot escape our destinies.
No matter what you do, some things just will not happen and sometimes things effortlessly happen to you. There is destiny but then there is free will too. We may not know where the path of life takes us, but we are still driving our car and traveling on the road . Ancient folks tried to make sense of it through things like runes, tarot cards and astrology. They are still in use. There are many who are skeptical about it too. Many swear by it.

I believe that Science still has not found answers to everything. I watched this Ted talk by Anita Moorjani and it made an impact on me.

I have also read many experiences like this one.
If you haven't heard this talk, I urge you to set 18 minutes aside and watch it. It is worth the time spent. And if you have any thoughts on it or anything related do feel free to share.

 I will be back tomorrow with a new post. Until then focus on what you have been blessed with and you will feel positive and happy.

Read my latest which is topping the charts:



  1. Its just awesome and so true.. If we can figure out the purpose of our lives, nothing like it. The best thing is to be yourself and live life fearlessly. Wonderful message..!!!

  2. I guess, Blog Marathon Post 7 is missing here.
    Since Long, I were waiting to see if you miss posting any post during your Marathon due to lack of timing.
    But now I'm feeling not good to see that you also sometimes can't control things according to commitments.

    Thanks for this Blog Marathon Post 8. I truly obliged with.

    1. So was an error. I had published the post late last night and wrote post 8 instrad of 7..Now corrected :)
      And there is always free will. We aren't total slaves of destiny!

  3. just flow like a river, its amazing to be with course.there are barriers on the way,but why to worry before taking a leap!

  4. Preeti how do you write so wonderfully. its like a flow of a perennial river having the purity of ganga and the might of brahmaputra. keep going as its inspiring us to do our work dedicatedly. really enjoying it.

  5. Ohh Pretti! Being in Bombay, cant attend your session. But will be waiting for the post and pics of your session. Would love to know the conversation.

  6. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Thanks for the share and need to catch up with it:)

  7. Just inspirational....Thanks for sharing this.The best thing is to be yourself and live life fearlessly. Wonderful!!!!

  8. I was a person who was always moping over things which were not happening, and not being mature enough to realize that maybe it didn't 'happen' because it was not 'meant' to happen. But as the years went by, I realized a lot of things. That what is written in our destiny cannot be changed and to be grateful for what we have instead of thinking what we don't! Thanks for another inspirational post! :-)


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