A fabulous event at jaipur! (blog marathon post 17)

Have just got back from the event at Crossword Bookstore Jaipur and it was a FULL House.
The event was just fabulous. Great turn out, a lot of interaction and a lot of fun.

One reader gifted me silver earrings with Topaz that she made herself!

I am exhausted now as I have taken two flights to get to jaipur today---and as soon as I came, I rushed to the venue---without even having lunch, as I landed at Jaipur only at 4.45 pm, and had to reach the venue by 6.00 pm--after a whole day of travel.

An extremely slow Internet connection here and so I shall share pictures tomorrow.

G'nite folks and thank you for turning out in such great numbers and thank you for all the love.

----An exhausted me.



  1. This is your commitment to your work...
    Wish you good luck all peace and success to your future endeavours in your writing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice to know you had a wonderful turnout in Jaipur!


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