Smart is sexy -- Blog marathon post 3

So while browsing the net I stumbled across this writing prompt  which said

Smart is sexy:

Name a specific physical or personality trait that draws you to other people. Why do you think you find that trait so compelling?

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If I think about all the people that I really like and admire, I could probably list the traits in the following order

1.Intelligence: For me to be able to get along with someone, they have to be really intelligent. By intelligence, I don't mean mathematically clever with an ability to solve complex calculus. I would define intelligence as the ability to quickly grasp something new, displaying interest in learning, a natural curiosity about things and a quest to constantly grow.

2.Sense of humour : Oh, this is so darn important for me. I want people who I can laugh with, no matter what the situation. I dislike whiners and people who always complain about how hard life is and how they are going through a tough time. If you can make me laugh, you have my full attention.

3.Street-smart/Go-getter :I like people who are resourceful and who get things done. I like them to have initiative to solve a problem and people who can think of ways to work around a problem. I do not like the academic-kind-with-their-nose-buried-in-their-books who know nothing of the outside world.

4.Impulsive: I dislike routine. I love surprises. I like people who are impulsive and fun and who do not take long to decide on something. 'Let's do it..That sounds fun' are phrases I like to hear--and they usually come with a little impulsiveness. of course if someone was impulsive all the time, it would be annoying.

5 Being .Steady: I would dislike people who are blow-hot, blow-cold and blow-hot again. I am a very loyal friend and  once you make it to my inner circle, I go all out to be there for you, 24x7. I expect the same from my closest friends. A friend who is there only when it suits them is a turn-off, no matter how much fun they are. Loyalty scores over the fun-factor in this case.

6.A writer : I don't mean a published writer. By writer, I mean someone who can write well. Why? Because I am a writer. Enough said!

7. Fitness:   I would be attracted to someone who is physically fit. And yes if that person is nice-looking too, great. But looks alone will not sustain the friendship for me. There has to be something between the ears too :)

The biggest deal breakers for me are people who are whiners, people who are insensitive, people who are nosy and those who try and use me or strangers who want me to read their work and tell me my opinion :P . (oh I meet loads of them)

So there you have it---the traits I look for in people.
What about you?

Nielsen bestseller .No. 7. Read it yet?


  1. I have add people who poke their nose in someone else's business, definitely never accepted!

  2. well written both Alka Singla(in comments) and Preeti Shenoy :)

  3. What a wonderful post Preeti! Definitely enjoyed reading it. I would add that people who make false assumptions, have a bad temper and who want terms dictated in their way are also big turn offs for me.

  4. Different and Unique.. Loved it..!!! 😍

  5. Very interesting read! :)

  6. Very nice post :) Loved it.. I have been reading your posts but haven't been commenting .. ,writing after a long time..

  7. Very nice post :) Loved it.. I have been reading your posts but haven't been commenting .. ,writing after a long time..

  8. Awesome post Preeti! You are so right about people who keep cursing about how sad their life is. But according to me, to divert your mind from such thoughts and thinking positively helps a lot. And I do the same :)

  9. Your choice is quite great, mam.
    I am really a fan of yours.

  10. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Hi Preeti, Intelligence, creativity and street smart plus humor makes a person charming:) I can see the qualities in your books and writing.


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