One fine day--- at Chandigarh! (blog marathon post 16)

 This is what I woke to this morning.Slight drizzle, cool breeze and a mood of melancholia.
Love it as I sit gazing out of the window sipping a warm cuppa.

Then I visited three book stores--Capital Book Depot, English book store and Browser book store.

 This is me with Ajay, the owner of the Capital book Depot. Can you spot my titles in the background? :)

I met up with readers at Capital Book store--and it was wonderful. One of the readers was so overwhelmed when she saw me that she cried! I was stunned. I gave her a hug.

I had to meet the press after that which i did and I was exhausted. But I had another event at Whistling Duck Chandigarh. By the time I ate lunch it was 3.30 pm. (I was starving)

As soon as I entered the venue, rows and rows of my books greeted me. I was so happy I had to pose for a picture

The event was wonderful. Members of the Chandigarh Literature society attended it.

I spoke about my journey from a blogger to an author. And there were a lot of questions which the audience asked.I also read out from the book.

Signed a lot of copies too.

All in all , an excellent day, though exhausting.

And tomorrow I leave for jaipur. If you have friends in jaipur, do tell them I will be at Crossword bookstore at 6.00 pm.

 I am beat, exhausted, tired,burned out and over taxed.
You can recharge me by leaving me comments :) So please feel free to use the comment box.
G'nite folks--and will blog again from Jaipur tomo.


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  1. Hello Priti, I live in Germany and missed a signed copy of your book by 2 days. I was in Jaipur and bought three of your books from the same Crosswords. Today I am back to Germany, wish I can meet you in person. And thanks for hosting my city. Best wishes.

    1. Thanks for visiting my city. *

  2. Anonymous2:14 AM

    All the best Preeti. I love the view in the first picture:)

  3. It indeed was a wonderful day. Though exhausted you look wonderful in all the pics. Keep doing the good work and be an inspiration to all of us, your readers. Have a great day at Jaipur!

  4. Hi Preeti!! Keep up the good work..I am loving your updates from different cities

  5. that's so hectic! i wonder how you do it.indeed great work.keep it up!

  6. Hi Preeti, its a delight reading your updates everyday. All your meet ups at various cities feel very inspirational and warm. Your schedule surely sounds very hectic, but your posts show how content you are with all the work you are doing. Love your spirit. Great work!

  7. It is such a relief reading your post sitting here in Muscat. It was so good to see the morning drizzle. And the post also brought back memories of the reading session in Bangalore during the release of 34 Bubble gums... Was it in Bookworms?
    Great going, Preeti

  8. Pics are nice. You look stunning in white..!!! :)

  9. The photos look great and my favorite one is the one where you are sitting in front of your books. So proud to see it. All the best Preeti!


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