Blog marathon completed! Last post :)

So, finally have come to the end of this month long marathon!

It has been exceptionally hard this time, as I had my book tours and a hectic schedule. Despite that I managed to blog every single day, this whole  of February. Hurray!

I blogged from Lucknow, Chandigarh, Delhi and Jaipur. I blogged from airports and hotel rooms. I blogged after book signings and book events. I blogged after being exhausted after a whole day session at the World Book Fair. I blogged after taking two flights and after media conferences. I blogged when I was dog-dead tired and the words were blurring before my eyes. I blogged when I had lots to say and also when I couldn't think of saying anything.

Most importantly, I blogged even when I didn't want to. I think it is important to push your boundaries. That's the only way you grow.

Throughout this blog marathon, there was one person who commented on every single post of mine. Let's give an applause to Alka Singla. Thank you Alka! Even when there was no-one else commenting on a post, I knew there would always be your comment and I was looking forward to comments every single day. (It's a bit disheartening when nobody writes anything back--it feels like talking to a wall!) Also a large dose of thank you to every single person who left a comment on my posts. They helped!

I shall blog again soon.
Till then--take care and have a great Sunday!
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  1. a month in a writer's life.. wow

    1. Thanks for reading and leaving me a comment Seetha!

  2. too soon the blog marathon came to an end...but for a person who had to do it despite the tiredness and busy schedule,its a tough job. well!!congratulations for completing the task, so wonderfully.this is the second marathon i attended.last but not the least, i'm on the sky reading to know that you expected my comment on every single blog.thank you mam, for such lovely words. it's a pleasure knowing a person who works so hard but keeps the promise. looking forward for next marathon and off course the routine blogs of yours.

  3. congratulations Preeti Shenoy.........As I can see it would never completed without the support of Alka Singla, so congratulation Alka Singla ,your support is inevitable for her ....Be supportive

    1. thank you Amit :)

    2. Even if she had not commented I would still have blogged!! But her comments made it sweeter :) But I can see what you did there ;)

  4. Hi Preeti. I really enjoyed February month Blog Marathon because it is the first time I commented on every post! My day was not complete without reading your posts and commenting as well. You are really dedicated and that is what makes you special. Day or night, Bengaluru or anywhere else, you were always prompt with your posts and updates. Thank you for showing so much of love to all your readers! We are lucky to know such a heartwarming person who is always there to bring a smile on our face. Thanks!

    1. Oh--I am sorry I did not mention your name !! I think some comments must have come as a bunch. Thank you very much for your support Prathima!

    2. It is okay, Preeti! I am still happy with myself that I was able to take part in the Blogathon because the first time you had conducted it, I was quite busy and was able to comment only here and there. However, blogathon or not, I visit your page twice everyday. Once before going to work and once before going to bed. If I am feeling low or depressed, I just read your posts to cheer me up. Thanks so much for reaching out to your readers and fans which I am definitely one of! Hats off :-0

  5. hI preeti mam. I am also a 43 years old working women. i am busy till 10 in the night, but i just cant retire to bed without reading your blog. At present i am reading your Book "One you cannot have". After reading your blog , I spend one hour with this book. Really its awesome and more interesting Then the last Book that I Read It Happens for a reason. Your Travel Blog is the Most Enjoyable Online Journey for Me. And I hope you will put More Post on Travelling. And last But not the Least, Your Writing has Helped me to forget Facebook, Whatsapp and other Mobile Senseless Games.

    1. Thanks a lot Nikitha! Yes, whenever I travel I shall definitely blog. Look on the right sidebar of this blog. Uncer 'what you will find here' you will find a section on travel. Click on that to read all my travel posts.

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    hello mam sorry for not leaving any comments to applause you as i was also busy in work but i was reading your post every day thanks for writing such a nice posts without worrying about your self and i appreciate your talent you are awesome and hardworking lady.You always inspired me :) Keep spreading your love

    1. Thank you for reading Rinku! And am glad my words inspire :)

  7. You did it ma'am, congrats!! Cheers to your commitment and dedication. This month I made it a point to read your post before i sleep and now its over am gonna miss it. Thank you and will be regular reader of yours:)

  8. Kudos to you for completing the blog marathon, it is no mean feast to achieve what with the hectic crazy schedules that you ahd and could have given that as an excuse anytime. Hats off to your determination, really loved reading all your posts.

  9. Hello ma’am, congrats for completing the marathon :) One thing that your post says that it feels like talking to a wall when nobody writes back - please don’t think that its only the people who comment have read the post. There are hundreds (i am sure more than that) of people who are silent admirers like me. We read every post and not comment most of the time. It's not because we are busy -as you always say nobody is that busy. But it’s just that your posts reflect on life, we can relate to our own in some or the other way and more often every word is so darn true and heartfelt that we have nothing much to say. Nice and good and amazing and the likes are too small to mention at times. :) We will continue to follow and read the blog and keep in mind to drop a comment once in a while. I hope i cultivate the discipline like yours - Varsha

  10. Congrats Preeti for keeping me enthralled through out the marathon...End of february and end of fun...I just finished reading "It happens for a reason" and already feeling empty! Your blog marathon ends.. now what next? I can imagine how busy you were during these days and how determined you were to keep up the promise you made to us about the blog marathon. I read all the blogs and feel terribly sorry that I had not cared to leave a comment and behaved like a wall! I thank this February of 2015 for letting me meet you and talk to you and know the person who carries a nice heart inside her! on a lighter note, I am changing the adage "deewaron ke bhi kaan hote hain" to "deewaaron ke bhi kaan, aankh aur haath" hote hain...:D..:D

  11. Congrats Preeti for keeping me enthralled through out the marathon...End of february and end of fun...I just finished reading "It happens for a reason" and already feeling empty! Your blog marathon ends.. now what next? I can imagine how busy you were during these days and how determined you were to keep up the promise you made to us about the blog marathon. I read all the blogs and feel terribly sorry that I had not cared to leave a comment and behaved like a wall! I thank this February of 2015 for letting me meet you and talk to you and know the person who carries a nice heart inside her! on a lighter note, I am changing the adage "deewaron ke bhi kaan hote hain" to "deewaaron ke bhi kaan, aankh aur haath" hote hain...:D..:D

  12. Finally had time to go through all your blogs and the best part is, all were awesome. Thanks for taking time for us and ensuring post everyday. As a reader it really feels special when an author goes an extra mile for them..!!! Lots of love..!!! :)


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