Parallel tracks --a poem (blog marathon post 24)


Snatched talks
Tug of  hearts
Refraining, holding back
Waiting for a reply
Which always arrives.

A perfect match
Yet parallel tracks
Waving out as paths cross
Discussing transience of emotions
Of  life itself.

Our destinations  different
But together we journey
Making memories.
I am grateful
I replay, I partake
For what is life, if not for moments you treasure?

© 2015 Preeti Shenoy

 For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.

photo credit: Love yourself.... via photopin (license)


  1. What a beautiful poem to start my day. Reading it just before heading to work. Thanks Preeti! Have a wonderful day!

    1. Yup! One of the first things I do before leaving for work is visit your blog, read the latest post. Then later on during the day, I read it again and give my comments :-)

  2. as always, what a wonderful piece!! "refraining holding back", it stole my heart!

  3. Anonymous12:51 AM

    awesome poem...


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