10 things about you probably didn't know about writers (blog marathon post 6)

wriing pen photo: thepen Quill_pen.png
1. If we love you , we will take the trouble to write to you. We get paid to write. For us, writing is the ultimate gift. It is what we are best at. So if we take the trouble to write to you a nice long letter/mail, then you can be sure you are loved.

2.We never speak on the phone  when an email will suffice. We might be in the middle of an absolutely marvelous plot, when a phone call shatters all the castles carefully built so far. So we prefer to mail. We don't talk on the phone unless it is 'absolutely essential.' Our primary mode of communication is emails/texting/whatsapp/viber---anything but speaking on the phone.

3.We're secretly judging every book we read, comparing it to how we write. We can't help it. We are wired that way.

4.We're always making mental notes about every single thing we see, hear, experience. Yes--all of it might be worthy enough to go into a book. We are observant by nature and we don't forget easily.

5.We are impressed by someone who writes well and is also articulate. Of course  it goes without saying that the person shouldn't be an arrogant boor in which case his/her writing abilities as well as his/her oratory skills are immediately discounted.

6.We are always thinking and we hate it when people say 'You think too much'. It's our job. Our brain is a constant idea churner. To tell us not to think is like telling the leaves of a plant to stop being so green.

7.We love books and can't have enough. The perfect evening to us is absolute silence and a ton of interesting books.

8.We are closet nerds. We love researching and finding information which most people wouldn't be interested in. And we love to do it all by ourselves. Information is wealth. We live by that.

9.We find drama in even the most ordinary thing and are surprised when others don't. We do. Everything is in Technicolor, high definition and dialogues are constantly playing in our heads.

10. We are easily hurt but we mask it cleverly with words and more words. Words are our security blanket, our comforter, the pacifier we need when everything seems black.
Nielsen bestseller .No. 7. Read it yet?
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  1. So very true...being a (self-proclaimed) writer, I can relate to each and every word .... You n your writings are very inspirational. Thank u. N I guess in point no 7 u should also include a large sized coffee mug.

  2. True! Loved reading this :)

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    mam i love you and your writing. i love each and eavery words written in this post its all awesome thanks for sharing authors view :) god bless

  4. no doubt people say,writers are very sensitive by nature.point no 10, stole my heart.its impossible to make others believe that this is what we feel...

  5. Awesome post....

  6. Yess.. Perfecto!!

  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    True that, Preeti. Especially about the phone..hehe

  8. Nice post, Preeti! Learned a lot of things after reading it. Thanks for always being a wonderful author!


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