Love , kisses and all things warm (blog marathon -post 10)

Okay--so here is a surprise which i have been working on for the past many weeks! *bugles, Trumpets and drum rolls please*
 Love, Kisses and all things warm. An e-book singlet priced at just Rs.30/- ! (from my columns in FC, and other places). It will be available for download on Feb 14th.
This is what my editor said in the blurb :

In Love, Kisses and Everything Warm, bestselling writer Preeti Shenoy puts together some thoughts on love and its side-effects. Written with her trademark perceptiveness and lucidity, the collection — especially put together for Valentine’s Day — contains five short essays, and five hand-drawn illustrations by the author. With observations on office romances, on what love means to us, why there is no age limit for it, and why kisses are the ultimate expression of passion, this e-book single is a perfect gift for anyone pondering about love, anyone in love, and for everyone who has ever been in love and wants to find it again.

Like it? Leave me a comment!


  1. Cover looks stunning....

    1. Thank you so much :) I liked the cover too..But more excited about the content. 5 short essays and 5 illustrations

  2. No I don't like it rather I just LOVED it. Preeti, what a surprise! Now eagerly waiting for valentines day to read your ebook at the earliest. Need updates on from where I can download this book. ;)

  3. Waiting to download it !!!!

  4. Oh wow! Awesome surprise. Cannot wait until February 14th to download it :-)

  5. appealing cover with equally interesting title!!!! fingers crossed!

  6. Entire e-singlet is wonderfully written and expressed. The last one, Timeless Love Story, was incredibly good and just loved reading and feeling it..!!! :)


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