Victory is sweeter when you have friends to share it with.Post 3

The morning began by recollecting last night's stupendous victory for India. What a match! I still cannot get over it. Each time I  think of it, I smile. Crazy how,cricket can bring this much joy! Fortunately, all of us in our family do follow cricket. I was surprised to know that there are indeed many ,whose spouses did not watch the finals with them as one of them would not be a big fan of the game. (How sad for both!) It is so much better when you have loved ones to share your excitement with.

It did set me thinking.There is a Hindi song which expresses the same sentiment in two of its lines which say Ki karna mein jeet nu howe na je meet  (It is one of my favourite songs--video embedded below)

Life is indeed always sweeter when there are true and trusted friends who travel with you and  hold your hand along the journey of your life's path. Today was a rather 'happy happy day' for me, as I met up with one of my closest (and oldest) friends. She lives in a different city and happens to be married to a well known south Indian film star who is a really nice guy. She and I have been the closest of friends since Class 7! (Oh, the adventures we have had together! It will take a whole book to write it!) We were both on the school basket-ball team and we have both played for Nationals in various Indian cities, attended numerous basketball coaching camps and have been there for each other throughout, no matter what.

She has kept in touch with me all the while and has come to my home and stayed with me, in various stages of our lives.She was there when I got married, she was there when my first child was born, she came home when my daughter was born and we also met so many times, in between these twenty eight years that I have known her!

She looks so much younger than her years and nobody would say she has two boys who are 18 and 14. When she texted that she was in town and coming over, I could hardly wait to see her. It was the same for her. She was in town for a show and she came as soon as she could (along with her family). She got out of her car and we both ran (yes, we ran at full speed like two small kids :) ) towards each other and hugged each other  real tight. Oh, the joy!

I was meeting her after seven years. We were both emotional.

My heart is full and I am so happy and content as I write this. The joy of meeting is evident on both our faces.So is the love we share :)

Both of us. Picture clicked a few hours ago.

What they say is indeed right:

ps: Winners of flash fiction announced here.


  1. It is really good to have good friends and to meet them after such a long time would be a joy indeed

  2. oh yeah, I saw this couple's show on Star vijay recently. the show called kadhal meter. She conducted herself with poise and dignity throughout the show. Is her name Jaishree(If i can recall correctlY).

    I can empathise with your feelings I too felt the same when I met my friend shammi recently at bangalore.( our friendship is 30 years old).

  3. Anonymous6:19 PM

    An adorable friendship :). I can really feel the mean truest friend from your post :)

  4. Very pretty friend you have there :)
    yep, the celebrations were fun because I was with friends!

  5. Rightly said - be it the spouse or a good friend, joy shared is joy doubled! You and your friend are lucky that your friendship continues all through this years (touchwood!)...and may the bond keep growing forever!
    Btw, she doesnt look to be a mom of 18 and 14 at all!!!:)

  6. Friends always bring in an extra bunch of happiness to our life.Nice to know that your friendship continues and keeps growing all these years.


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