The magic pill .A panacea for everything.Post 12

What if I told you that there exists  a pill that can reverse ageing, keep you looking younger than your years, keep you fit with the energy levels of someone half your age, keep you healthy by fighting all kinds of issues like blood pressure, diabetes, back pain ,arthritis and many more, would you be eager to know what  this pill is?

What if I told you that this magic pill costs nothing and in exchange for the name of this magic pill, all I want is a little bit of your time and effort, wouldn’t you be interested in getting this pill?

I have been taking this pill for the past twenty six years. (Yes, I started on this when I was 13. I am 39 now and quite proud of my age and never do I try to hide it :-) ) It has no side effects whatsoever. I can vouch for that. Initially your body might protest at being subject to this pill. You may have aches and pains. But be patient and think of the many wonderful ways in which this pill can benefit you. Continue taking it. Take it even when you do not feel like it. Take it especially when you do not feel like it. Soon the aches and pains go away and your body adjusts to this new intruder. Gradually the intruder becomes a friend you cannot do without.  If you do not have your time with this friend, something feels amiss, something feels ‘not right’ even though you may have had enough time with other friends. It is somehow not the same.

This pill has helped me such a lot really. I have become addicted to it. I am dependent on it. If I miss it for even a day, I feel ‘not-so-good’. When I am stressed out and ready to pull out my hair and scream, this pill helps me calm down. This pill also gives me a lot of mental strength and clarity in thinking. It is my hope on a dark day. It is my sunshine on a bright day. It is something I cannot  even imagine being without. It is so much a part of who I am.

This pill is easily available in the market. You can get it too.

Have you guessed what this magic pill is? If you have, give yourself ten points.

If not click here to know all about it.


  1. YAY - 10 points for me :).

    Mommy and me yoga starts soon for me - can't wait to try it out!

  2. YOGA !!! I knew it !I missed it a lot last year when I was sick but I have started yoga again from this month and I am loving it :)

  3. Loved this post Preeti ( and your blog). I guessed exercise...

    Another question. I could not get your books through kindle store. Would love to read them.

  4. I did guess that its something on this are a walking example of benefiting from this 'pill' & so none can doubt your words! :)
    Thanx for the link - will start soon! I have been procrastinating with the excuse of non-availability of time and kids taking up all my energy! And this post is a booster!

  5. The magic pill .A panacea for everything - when i see this title first picture came in my mind is a pill in real which is issued for all type of illness. do you know it really exists the same pill for all sicks. yeah check it out in goverment hospitals.

    But then i guessed the yoga, yoga is wonderfull theraphy for mind and body. intersting thing is you started it from 13 and still continuing. me started at 9 but put off at 16, now keep on trying but couldn't start. yoga was a compulsory lesson in my school that too at 5am in the hills of 18 degree temperature. today i miss the benifits of it.

  6. 10 points for me tooo!!!
    YOGA is truly powerful. I had Asthma trouble and was on medication for 7 yrs. I attended Sri Sri Ravishankar's Art of Living- Sudarshan Kriya (

    I must say the results were evident from day one. I stopped the medication long back. I guess more awareness needs to be created amongst people.



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