Food--comfort. Post 29

These days my mother is visiting me. Needless to say, the kitchen in my home is a busy , happy place. She churns out some lovely fare. Above is a sample of what she had made the other day, which was gobbled up by Satish and kids.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), I am not a foodie at all. I eat to live, not live to eat  :) If i could do away with food altogether, and if someone invented tablets instead, (one capsule for breakfast that contained the goodness and nutrition of 2 parathas, a bowl of dahi and an egg) then I would be the first person to take it.I eat when I am hungry and I eat healthy and nutritious stuff. (Yeah, I am so boring that way). I am a fitness buff and do an hour of yoga daily and also take two 30-45 minute walks.(Yes, I am that diligent when it comes to maintaining my weight and my health. I can go on and on about benefits of a healthy lifestyle and bore you to death. I am that passionate about it. :P  I used to have a friend who felt equally the same way and she and i used to discuss health stuff for hours together)

But for many people, food is equal to comfort. Many eat when they are upset, eat when they want to be entertained, eat in company, eat alone, eat when they are bored. Many people also do not watch the calorie content of what they eat. Many people order food from out (who has the time to cook when one is working) and anything is wolfed down, especially when one is hungry. It takes just 15 minutes to make yourself a healthy snack and carry it to work. That way the calories piling up can truly be avoided.

But the thing is, one has to be so motivated as to want to do such boring stuff like carrying one's own dabba.

When you are in your twenties, your metabolism is certainly higher than in your thirties or forties.The steps taken now will ensure good health in the long run.Almost all ailments that people of a certain age suffer from can be directly linked to diet and exercise. It is so important.

Take care of yourselves.
You have just one life to live.


  1. I thought I was the only crazy guy in the world who would prefer tablets to food. Gobsmacked that I have company :) and that too an illustrious one :):)

  2. The parippu vada looks yummy !!!!
    I am drooling over it :):)

  3. Yummy.... i think i need to get myself some vada for tomor :)

  4. Ohh god I cant imagine living on pills as a substitute ! I am a die hard foodie and love trying different cuisines. But I have a pretty good self control and eat healthy. But one major problem I have is using food as comfort - I guess a lot of us do that and its the worst thing you can do to yourself !

  5. Preeti,

    I've been reading your blog for a while..I'm one of those silent readers. I love all your posts/portraits. Also love your zest for life,love and almost everything else. My 30mins of lunch time at work is always occupied with reading blogs. I follow quite a few of them (silently) and yours is one that I always look forward to. Your post is like my desert. I finish up all the other blogs and keep yours for the end. I'm a foodie and enjoy eating but I always watch what I eat and exercise regularly.I love to cook so mostly we eat at home and pack lunches.Now that I am pregnant I eat whatever comes my way without counting calories but still hits the gym 3-4 hrs a week. I always have to eat a small desert with my meals. Almost always, eating my desert after lunch coincides with reading your blog and both gives me so much of joy. So I think my craving for this pregnancy is "deserts along with Preeti's blogs". Tell your amma enikkum venam parippuvada.


  6. I agree with the last line. But I also think, "eat all u want. u just have one life to eat it all".

    That said, its a blessing that ur not a foodie. Eating healthy feels like such a chore when u love food. And now we know a hitherto unknown fact about u. ;)

  7. Oo
    I'm a self confessed foodie. Having a high basal metabolism helps :P
    Though I make it a point to have lots of fruits and fiber...and walk a lot, if not exercise ;)

  8. Looks ultra Delicious...but yes..your 500% maintained at a younger age in this fast paced lifestyle, surely is a huge favour that one does for oneself :)

  9. Hey Preeti,

    the first and instant reaction i had when i saw those vada, was yummmm (i just came from Lunch... and feeling a bit hungry all of a sudden)

    I am full time foodie... let me share some of my collections food that i prepared.

    Take care and have a amazing weekend

  10. I find it extremely boring to carry a dabba. I ate lunch out of a dabba all through the school years and I never want to do it again.

    So, the option I choose is to always live within 5 miles of work, so that I can go home, which I have been doing since I started working 11 years ago :).

    Exercise and eating healthy is a must. I'm just starting to shed those leftover pregnancy pounds....but as long as I am nursing, I don't want to cut back on calories so will take it slowly :).

  11. You show us those yummy vadas and talk about eating nutritious food and calories... you are quite a teaser!:p
    That smiley plate looks so yummy and iam glad that atleast others at home did justice to it.;)
    Though what you said is very much right about health and fitness, I am sure you can indulge yourself once in a way esp. when your mother is at home to pamper you!!:)

  12. Wow..those vadas seem so also not much of a foodie..of course if someone else is cooking, am game to eat!!!...:-)

  13. The parippu vadas look so yummy. What you said is totally true abt eating healthy and maintaining the calories. But in real we'll have to have a strong will. I'm trying to be more consistent in exercising.

  14. gosh Preeti, this is uncanny...i too always tell people that i eat to live and not the other way...

    now to be like you in the exercise dept...:)

  15. mmmmmmmm... yummmmmy!!! :)

  16. No one take these of closest view of vada. When i got off this comment posting, have idea to eat vada.
    Nice post.


  17. wow chetto ambado yummy. Finally I managed to make time to read some blogs today after long week of terrific week at work. and now my mom is in my home:-)


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