Last post of the blog marathon .Post 30

Today is the last day of the 30 day blog marathon. Eevery single day, the last thirty days, there has been a new post on this blog. Truly not an easy task at all. I had asked a few of my closest friends if they could help me out by writing guest posts for me. Two of them obliged.

Thanks to Satish and Ramesh who both wrote a superb guest post each.

Satish's post is here:  How India won the world cup ( a hilarious account of behind the scenes story)

Ramesh's post is this: The apple of my eye   (a truly lovely confession of love)

Both the above posts are really worth a read.

Apart from the above two posts, on some days I had had such a tough day that all I wanted to do was to curl up in bed with a hot mug of chocolate and read, under the duvets, with the Air conditioning swicthed on. Instead, I had to sit at my laptop and churn out a post.

A big thank you to those who commented very regularly. i have managed to reply to most. (except for one or two posts). Your comments kept me going really.

My personal favourites among the posts I wrote for this blog marathon are the following:

Some connections are just meant to be

Daily star quota

and of course, the best one

Creating happy memories

If you are a regular reader do let me know which ones were your favourite? Which ones did you like the most?

Now that I have written for thirty consecutive days, I shall be taking a much deserved break for a few days.
But you can be assured I'll come back.

The blog and me--it's a long term relationship. And I don't walk away from  such relationships easily ;-)

So, see you soon.


  1. Congratulations Preeti - a superb marathon. I know what an effort it takes ; perhaps an expression of the joy which we readers take in following your blog, might make it all worthwhile. Bravo.

  2. I liked 'How India won the world cup' a lot...all those 'rituals' truly helped India get the and my friends were not too far away from matching those 'rituals' :)

    And yes..kudos for your 30 day long marathon..:)

  3. Congrats preeti - 30-day marathon would have been a daunting task and you did full justice to it and kept us asking for more!!!:) My list also goes almost the same way -'creating happy memories', 'slicing the silence', 'on loving someone', 'daily star quota', etc and the snapshots have been my favourites.
    Take a break and be back soon! :)

  4. Awesome marathon Preeti. Its truly a pleasure to read your posts always :)

    PS: Please do come back with some new pics of Lostris....

  5. preeti, Awesome marathon. Loved reading all your posts. I have put my personal favorites in terms of the meesages they conveyed
    The apple of my eye --This is an exception, I could never guess what it was till the very end and hence it was so interesting :)

    Marriage and freedom - Topic close to the heart, did not post a comment as I had so much to say that I did a blog on my site.

    The magic pill - Another good one on the benefits of healthy lifestyle

    Save a life--it costs you nothing.

    A little love and words that make a difference

    The above 2 were so insightful on simple human behaviour and how we as individuals can help

    Tips on home managing, all the pics especially the potrait of little Rihana

    Take some rest and come soon


  6. My fav is Marriage and Freedom.. Could soo relate to it. Will miss your posts!

  7. Congrats on completing the marathon :-)

    My personal favorites are Satish's post and 'On loving someone', I enjoyed reading other posts too

  8. My top 3: the two poems and "on loving someone". Why these coz (I feel) all three came from a deep place and touched a deep place :).

  9. My fav posts are "On loving someone" and "Creating happy memories" . The Kodaikanal incident was too funny :)

  10. Congrats Preeti on succesfully completing the blog marathon. All your posts were unique and both the guest posts were also equally enjoyable.
    Inspired by your marathon I've also started writing consistently[i hope, with a new born baby and a 4year old I'm striving to achieve it]I'm planning to atleast publish 3posts a week this month.
    Hope to see more of your posts soon.


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