Post 8 .Friday fill-in

Friday night,a glass of wine,feet put up and I was enjoying watching the opening ceremony of IPL. My daughter and I even danced when apidi podu podu was played  :-) Shah Rukh did a great job of dancing to it too.The day had nearly slipped off, when I remembered that I had not posted for today. So I hurried back online and decided to do a 'Friday Fill-in'. (Every Friday, a set of sentences are posted on this site and those who paritcipate whave to complete the same on their respective blogs.

Here are the questions they asked:

1. In the near darkness _____.

2. _____ till further notice.

3. But this _____.

4. _____ in the stream.

5. It's always nice _____.

6. _____ and pleasant company.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

Here are my answers:

1. In the near darkness I hear a noise and look out of the window, and nearly jump out of my skin when the phone rings. (this happened to me last night)..

2. Sleeping late in the mornings.No breakfast till further notice. :-) (what the heck--summer vacations are on)

3. But this just cannot be happening to me! Am I dreaming?Pinch me quick!

4. A boat being lashed about, the winds howling,a storm brewing , yet fishes remain calm in the stream.

5. It's always nice when you get kisses and hugs and hearts too :-)

6. Conversations,laughter, a drink  and pleasant company.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading my book, writing in my gratitude journal and hugging my children and reading to them, tomorrow my plans include making a nice dinner as we're having guests and Sunday, I want to go to the airport to receive my mum!

Thats all folks! If you do this Friday fill-in, leave me a comment and I will surely come and look :-)
See you tomorrow :)


  1. This post is certainly not a fill-in!

    You come up with great ideas! Enjoyed always!

  2. Friday fill in sounds like fun .. might give it a shot ! Have a fun weekend ! cheers !

  3. I bet this as not a fill-in post....
    Have a lovelly weekend


  4. Anish: It isn't :) I did think and work on it :) You too have a great weekend!

    Ruchira; Will surely read--give me link if you do :)

    Shachi: You're one of my biggest 'supporters' (for want of a better word). Thanks a LOT, Shachi--your encouragement makes a difference! Much appreciate.

  5. made me smile with the very first answer - could almost imagine that!
    And loved all your other 'fill-in' answers too! have a great weekend!
    Its a pleasure to read your blog and your daily 'posts'...cheers!!

  6. Preeti - You indeed provoked me by 2 things - one by the blanks and secondly by your promise to read the filled blanks ;) The later was too promising to resist, so there i went...


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