How art makes a difference in everyday objects. Post 26

 A simple wooden bench transformed into a work of Art.

A mobile phone charging station. I love the traditional design elements and how elegantly it has been transformed into an eye catching object of beauty.

Both the photos above clicked by me at Ranga Shankara, Bangalore India. Check them out, they're cool!


  1. Wow- superb work and nice click :)

  2. awwesme pics ...nice click..happiness in small packages guaranteed:-)

  3. Creative work & good shots!
    The link to Ranga Shankara takes me to a quiz page on sensitivity!! wonder why!

  4. I wldnt feel like sitting on the chair somehow - its like sitting on someone lap :)
    But I love what they have done to a boring old mobile charger. They have used a sack to cover it and painted over it havent they !


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