Just a picture today. My Dobe. post 17

 I love my Doberman.Her name is Lostris. She is just four months old and is still a pup. And she is extremely clever.(Please do not refer to pets/animals as 'it'.Always use a he/she) 

Lostris happens to be an Egyptian  Queen in one of Wilbur Smith's historical novels. Both Satish and I are huge fans of Wilbur Smith and both of us have read ALL his books. He is brilliant.

I will be writing a post on why Dobes are totally the best. Until then, I leave you with just a picture.(Each picture, they say is worth a million words).I was trying to get Lostris to look into the camera but she kept insisiting on turning her head and trying to kiss me :-)


  1. Pretty girl Lostris :)

  2. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Nice pic :)

  3. Lovely :)
    Though Dobermans and I have a rough relationship. I'm more of a Labrador person. Depends on ownership I guess... Dobes are very particular about where they belong in my experience!

    I want a pup! And somebody to care for him while I'm in college :P

  4. awww, thats sucha cute snap of you both! :) and abt not calling pets "it"... I did it once (well I was a kid) but my friend told me just like you have mentioned here... "My Dobby is a he, don't call him it!" she refuted indignantly! Since then, I say "wht's ur pet's name?" when I do not know the gender! :)

    btw, me started a blogathon too! thanks for the silent inspiration!

  5. came here from Purnima's blog..I first thing that struck me was, are you a mother of two? maybe they are little ones...then when I went on to read in a blog of urs that your son is 13 and I was like !!!!
    Apart from that, I liked your meme post (yet to read the other ones-will do in leisure). I'll drp you the link when I take this meme..

  6. I've seen dobes with dad's cousins... big ones... and i've always been very scared of them :) She looks so pretty ... just 4 months ...

  7. Very cool picture.
    Preeti, like Purnima, you are my inspiration for blogging. I started it just recently, although have been wanting to do so for long. I have also started yoga again, after a loooonngg break. Thanks for bringing back some order into my disrupted life. I hope I will continue for a lonnggg time to come.

    I have done my meme (again, u called for it :)). Please do visit my blog if you find time.

  8. Anonymous11:38 PM

    she is adorable..


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