A flash-fiction story. Post 22

Sometime back, a flash-fiction contest had taken place on this blog, as well as on the Facebook fanpage of Life is what you make it. The contestants had to use all the three pictures given above in their story. It was not essential to use the  words in the picture, but just the visual. The word limit was 209 words (as the book has 209 pages)
Some marvellous stories were churned out and the judges chose one lucky winner.
Later, I too wanted to write a flash-fiction story using the above three pictures. The story I wrote is my post for today.
Here goes:

The shrill ring of the telephone did nothing to soothe my alcohol induced headache. Nor did the words my brother uttered. He was calling after fourteen years. Time had changed nothing. He was still the asshole he always had been. Perhaps it was a genetic trait. It took one to know one.
“Mother died this morning.”
“About time too, the alcoholic, adulterous, good for nothing bitch. How old was she? 83?”
He hung up without a second’s hesitation.
I called him right back.
“Make sure you keep the letters she safeguards. I want them.”
“You will not have them.”
Later in the day, when the flames rose higher, they devoured everything, including the letters she safeguarded and her memories. Prominent among them was a handwritten spidery scrawl
“Dearest darling,
If you weren’t a married woman I’d have proposed to you a hundred times over. I remember the night you came over in the rain. You eyes danced in the candle light. I wished I could kiss you and never let you go, but I did not even have the guts to hold your hand. You will never see me again, as is your wish. But I will love you till the end of time. I remain only yours.”


  1. Good one. it is amazing how many different thoughts and imaginations people have from the same 3 pictures. I also posted on FB but sadly did not win :) but really njoyed reading all the other posts


  2. The flash fiction contest was a brilliant idea.your story here is very touchy,untold love is a pain till death.

    Some have fear of expressing love and sometime the situation may be inappropriate if the person is already with someone else.

  3. Oo
    VERY cool. Flash fiction was a super idea!

  4. If it was up to me, I'd have given the contest prize to your entry ;) :)
    Brilliant writing!

  5. Ajay: Thanks :) Will convey that to the Judges ;-) :-)


    Sundari: Yes--like 'love in the times of cholrea'

    Horizon: Yes--had read your story.Thanks for taking part!

  6. thats a very touching story. loved the idea of flash fiction with the three images.


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