Slicing the silence,Post 19.

Silence, like a shroud of death,
Extends infinitely etched,
Covering fragile egos
High-strung, taut, stretched.

I wonder what you’re doing
Thoughts of you hovering inside my head
I do so want to reach out,
Slice the silence and leave it dead

But being so afraid of what I will find,
Into my shell I retreat
Draw up the shroud a little tighter
It is now laced with weary defeat.

Inside it I still conceal myself,
Cuts on wrist-- a practised chop
Terrified to slice the silence now
Lest the bleeding does not stop.

© 2011 Preeti Shenoy

For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.


  1. ooooooh - the pain and so much more is ooozing out!

  2. Lovely poem.Its not very easy for many to tell the pain inside,you have written it wonderfully.

    Loved these lines
    //But being so afraid of what I will find,Into my shell I retreat//

  3. heart tugging, soul stirring poetry !

  4. How do you manage to write about pain so beautifully!!!loved it.

  5. Prathima, Ruchira,Sundari and Shachi: Do you have any idea how GOOD you all make me feel by so much appreciation?!! Thanks a million! Your words mean SUCH A LOT! Deeply appreciate. Especially as all of you are smart and are all 'readers' who love books. Thanks people!

  6. Sometimes silence of a loved one can almost kill us. My thoughts have been put in words here(especially the 2nd stanza).
    Loved this poem Preeti. It has been very well expressed.

  7. Sometimes pain brings the best side ...which we never knew!!!!!


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