A little love and words that make a difference.Post 25

Today was free love day. I drew a heart on my wrist and I made the pledge.

In India, depression and suicide are the leading causes of death, after heart disease. It makes me all the more convinced about the cause to spread joy, peace and positive thinking. I do firmly believe in Rhonda Byrne's Secret and all that so many eminent personalities and spiritual leaders have said. Two other books which I truly found inspiring were 'Ask and it is given' by Esther and Jerry Hicks and 'I will not die an unlived life' by Dawna Markova. Two extremely powerful books indeed.

Gillian has written a really good post today called 'how to draw things into your life'.(Suggest you read her post before reading further) I too have a journal exactly like Gillian's and I  had started it many years ago. I know that it has indeed worked for me, like magic.I know many others too who swear by it.  It is truly incredible how powerful our thoughts are and how they shape our lives and perhaps our so called destinies.

I also think it is extremely important to pick the right kind of people to interact with and to be surrounded with. People who are all the time negative, possessive about you and jealous, might be holding you back from achieving your dreams.Unless you feel good about yourself, you will find it hard to believe that you indeed can achieve your dreams no matter how old you are.It is never late.

Today was one of those languidly  exhausting days. By the end of it, I just wanted to crawl into the safety of my bed and comfort of my journals and a good book. I was tired of everything, low on hope and high on chores to be done. (sometimes they feel so heavy) However, a  long phone call from a good friend  made all the difference  and I silently thanked him for calling.

It matters so much--kind encouraging words.
So, go forth and spread love and kindness.

The person you might be cheering up most might just be yourself.


  1. Again good thought- Preethi. You are up late- You write at nights alright.
    And not to forget Munna Bhais MBBS "jaadu ki Jhappi"?

  2. We're slowly becoming bffs :P
    I too had an EXTREMELY tiring day! Poof. And yes, good friends made it worthwhile :-)

    Happy free love day!

  3. Preeti thank you for drawing attention to this valuable cause. I became involved after a girlfriend's daughter killed herself last year. It has been a huge struggle for her, her family & all those who know her. The ripple effect is incredible-and is still affecting our daily lives now. Healing is slow to come. But with awareness elevated to new heights via people like you who care, maybe the healing will eventually come.

  4. Words can hurt you to the core and words can heal it so well. I just needed these healing words after a very hurting weekend. Thank you so much.

  5. Your post about urban apathy had really touched me. I too feel very strongly about it because I have seen so many instances of it. I blogged about it too at http://nirjharani.blogspot.com/2011/04/are-we-turning-into-lonely-islands.html.
    I love the concept of journals but instead of making a scrapbook I usually paste images in a word document- a slightly modern version of journaling perhaps :)Preeti you had told me so many times to read Gillian’s blog but today was the first time I actually went and read it – and I am hooked !

  6. thnx for letting know abt the event.after putting upon love symbol upon my wrist.i felt 'responsible' for people.sme thng whch i never felt before.

  7. I do feel that the present-day people are callous, a lil bit too selfish and contented in their own cocoons...they (rather, we) need a bit of shaking up and messages like this help to awaken and reach out to the ones in need of love.
    Couldnt open Gillian's webpage - will try again later!

  8. Yes, kind words or even a smile can cheer others and even ourselves.I remember when we were in school we were asked to do atleast one good thing to someone daily and then write it on our journal.Later when we used to read our journal we ourselves used to feel soo good.
    It's so true, Preeti that good words and deeds help not only the receiver but also the giver.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Preeti,

    Am unable to access Gillian's blog. It throws up a network error each time I click the link or even access it from an independent google search.

    Could you paste the link for me again?



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