Another short extract from 'It happens for a reason'. (Blog marathon post 9)

From page 43 of 'It happens for a reason'.

 I pour myself another drink though. I just want to forget the day’s happenings.
As we wait for the pizza to bake, we talk. I learn that he has studied veterinary medicine at no less than Cornell. He says the college offers a very small number of merit-based scholarships that are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance, and there was just one scholarship for an Indian student, instituted by a family of Indian origin, which he had won. Once he completed his course, he worked in one of the best animal hospitals in Brooklyn. He returned to India a couple of years ago and is one of the founder members of the hospital that he currently runs.
‘Wow—no wonder it is this good. You are personally involved in everything,’ I say.
‘Yes, when you are passionate about something, it shows. There is no point doing something that does not make you feel happy just to earn money. If you hate what you are doing, you are then just wasting your life,’ he says and I nod. I can completely relate to that. I made lots of money when my modelling career was at its peak, but I don’t think I enjoyed it at any point of time. I am a far happier person now. Or at least I was happy till this fiasco happened.
‘Yes, I agree completely. Very few people do what they love. Most are stuck in a rut and drag themselves to work. I guess we are among the few lucky ones for whom their work is a passion. My other job is as a fitness instructor, and when I go to the gym, I forget everything. It doesn’t pay as much as Paw-Factor but it does make me very happy.’

The above is a short para from my latest book, which resonates with me. I do believe that money isn't essential to be happy. Once the basic needs are met, where does one draw the 'I am satisfied now' line? There  really is no limit. The more money you make, the more you discover that someone is richer, drives a better car, has a bigger house.

True joy lies in living each day, doing things that you love. I will be talking about all of this and more at my book-events which starts off in Bangalore on 11th Feb at  Landmark,Forum mall, 6.30 pm.

I will be at Lucknow (at the Lucknow lit fest) on 13th Feb , Delhi at the world book fair on 14th Feb, 16th at Chandigarh at Whistling Duck and on 17th at Jaipur at Crossword book stores. If you have friends in those cities, do share the above poster with them.

If you are in any of the above cities, do block your dates. I look forward to meeting you.

Read about what happens to Vee:



  1. Another great post, Preeti! You are right. Money isn't everything. Once people make more and more money, they tend to change. Sometimes in a positive way and sometimes in a negative way. I think the individual should realize that money isn't everything and there are so many other things in life to keep us feeling happy and loved, especially when it involves people who are very close to us. Once again, thanks for another great post. Loved your latest book and I can't wait to read your next one!

  2. Ohh Preeti, you are going to visit every city except Mumbai. Looking forward to see you in Mumbai. Please plan your visit to Mumbai at least once.
    Great post. Have a great schedule ahead. :)

  3. Preeti mam, I used to be a voracious reader once. But due to shortage of time, i lost touch with books until the day i came acrros this Beautiful Book of yours. I just bought it, read it and enjoyed it so much that i have now started reading. again. The Book is Wonderful. When i was reading it i felt as if i am talking to a Best friend of mine...I have become a Huge Fan of Yours Now

  4. excellent thought! money can give everything except that satisfaction that our passion gives

  5. Completely agree with it..!!! And the book is just awesome, read it twice still seems fresh..!!! :)


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