Sunday Stealing--On whether I prefer digital books or paperbacks and more fun stuff.


It's Sunday again which means it is time for Sunday Stealing.  For Leo (one of my cats) every day is Sunday and that's how she sleeps, curling up next to me.

Many of you told me that you really enjoy these casual fun questions, which tell us a lot about ourselves. So here goes:

*Have you tried anything new this year?

Yes, I tried baking bread for the first time and it came out really well! I also hit a personal record in weight training in my gym. I did deadlifts (3 sets of 6 each) with 40 kgs.

*What would you do if you don’t have wifi for a week?
I would be very uncomfortable on the first two days. Then I'd probably get used to it. I'd read and paint.

*Do you like summer, why or why not?
Not when I am in India. Indian summers are scorching. I used to enjoy summers when I was living in UK.

*What’s one restaurant that you like in your city? what food do they sell?
I am not a restaurant person at all. I feel restaurants don't bother about the health aspect of food, as they are optimising for taste and to make money. Most restaurant food just makes me feel stuffed. That being said I do occasionally enjoy going to a restaurant. I don't much care for fancy five star dining. I liked the ambience at Sly Granny in Bangalore. I also like my local Udupi park and Rameshwaram Cafe.

*Do you prefer digital book or real paper book?
Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The biggest positive I see in my kindle is that I can read it in the dark, I can enlarge the font, I can search inside the book using X-ray, I can mail and mark quotes from the book and while travelling I can take an entire library with me. For a long time I did not read digital books. Then the CEO of a publishing house (a voracious reader himself)  told me how convenient it is, and how he was reluctant initially, and how  he loves it. On his advice I tried digital books and I was hooked. If you are used to reading on a phone, you quickly get used to reading a digital book.

*What’s one thing that you are interested to buy, but it’s a bit expensive, so you haven’t bought yet?
I am at that point in my life, where I don't look at price tags anymore. I am grateful to be at this point, as I have worked really hard for my money!

*What tea brands do you like?
Kanan Devan Gold for regular tea, and Organic India for herbal teas.

*What’s one food that you can binge eating a lot?
Puttu and Kadala! (my all time favourite) Also Potato chips.

*Write one random thing that happened to you this month.
The awful great switcheroo which I wrote about! In case you missed it click here.

*How many long-term penpals do you have right now? (people who pen pal with you for more than 3 years)
One from Scotland. (but he is a friend as I have met him in real life)

*If you own a small food trailer, what food do you want to sell?
Idlis! Healthy, fresh, delicious with a fiery chutney.

*What’s one handmade gift that you received and really liked ?
Someone from Sao Paulo read my book and was so moved that she knitted and hat and scarf for me. Her son had given the book to her. This person is an elderly lady and the scarf and hat are so beautiful and it's made from the  softest wool. I cherish it forever. Also an artist friend from UK, gifted me a painting which tool him 140 hours to make. It hangs on my desk and only two people in the world have an original painting by him and I am one of them. I also absolutely cherish the large charts and cards my daughter made for me on my birthdays when she was younger.

*What’s your ideal Saturday like?
Binge watching a lovely TV series, some wine and pop-corn,  a cat in my lap and good  (cold) weather outside.

*What things do you like to buy on Etsy?
I don't shop on Etsy.

*What kind asian food do you like?
South Indian--always.

For those of you reading this post, I'd love it if you pick 2/3 questions from the above ans answer it in my comment box.
Tomorrow--a new post.
Till then take care!


  1. 1. Food i want to sell is chilli paneer 2. Food i like is any Indian dish with less spice.
    3. Have tried cooking in this year and am becoming better at it.

  2. Namaskaram Preetiji,

    These are undoubtedly my kind of favorite posts where there are well crafted questions which can often lead to soul searching answers.
    All the questions are compelling however I would prune and edit for brevity.

    4)Sarvana Bhavan without doubt...oh the taste of Dosas ,Bissi belle bhat and Paysam...đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•
    5)Paperbacks and especially Hardcovers are my refined indulgence though the practicality of digital books cannot be ignored.
    6)Want to purchase a 4000 square feet sea facing apartment on the 14th floor.
    7)Makaibari Darjeeling Full Moon Organic Oolong Tea
    13)Books,Good Food,Rain outside,Excellent Movie/webseries and conversations with close ones would make it a perfect Saturday.
    That's all for now Thank you to you Preetiji for always being so talented and so wonderful that you always respond to all your readers.That is what makes you a class apart.
    Lots and Lots of Love,Pranam and Best wishes to you 👍💛🙏🙏🙏

  3. Hello ma'am, I was waiting for your Sunday stealing answers as i already knew the questions from link. Always love your honest answers & confidence.

    Ma'am if you don't mind me asking, will you please share your life journey with us as it seems very inspiring. You are managing every aspect of life very well and enjoying every bit of each phase, please write about that so we can also learn from that.

  4. Oh, I want to sleep like Leo. And same here, if I don't have an internet connection for a week, I'll read and paint or maybe work on my Hindi stories (I am a bilingual writer), as when I am writing a Hindi story, I turn into an intuitive writer.

    I started reading on my Kindle device recently and (never thought I'd say that) it's convenient. These days, the fonts of paperbacks are ridiculously small (plus, now I wear specs) so Kindle feels like a blessing.

    Enjoyed reading this post. Stay blessed. :)

  5. Hello, What’s one restaurant that you like in your city? what food do they sell? Answer: 7 Sisters restaurant in Hyderabad serves the best asian food. I love Sushi the most.
    and Q: what would i do if don't have wifi for a week? answer: I would be in my kitchen learning all desserts and savouries!!

  6. My favorite post till date on your blog marathon.... I would sell methi theplas with freshly made masala chai.... come rains.. winters or summers... Thepla is for life!

    I still prefer paper backs... want to switch to digital books...

    My sundays go in arranging the wardrobes and lazying in the evening...doing nothing!


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