Wordless wednesday -- Harder Kulm, Switzerland


This is my post today for Wordless Wednesday


  1. The picture says it all.

  2. Namaskaram Preetiji,

    This post of yours is just like the Roman God Janus who stands for duality,beginnings and endings.The picture is endearing and you look so pretty as always letting your hair down .

    The Janus duality which strikes me is that it is a Wordless Wednesday however this picture is compelling me to pen down a few thoughts.

    1)There is beauty all around only if we don't close our eyes to it.
    2)People all around us are somehow masking their real self and we keep getting amazed at the duality.
    3)Sometimes we should just forget about everyone and please ourselves.

    Enough Sourabh!
    Please Keep Queit now.
    ......one last thing please...

    Thank you Mam for being simply awesome 👌
    Lots of Love Unadeltrated Respect and Complete Devotion to you 👍💛🙏

    1. Hahaha--it was just a fun picture. There were these various wooden sculptures (all by the same artist, made in the same style) every few metres on the way to Harder Kulm, Interlaken switzerland. It was a very distinct style, and I loved it. Therefore posed. My son clicked this and it was his suggestion to make the same face as the statue 😁

  3. Cute photo with a magnificent background!

  4. It took time for me to recognise you :)


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