Reward yourself.(Post 3)

My last two posts were about pushing boundaries and motivating yourself.

But how often do you reward yourself? I think it is very important to. We are so often caught up in the DRAMA of life, that we forget about taking time off for ourselves, to do something just for us, that makes us happy.
We think it is selfish to put our needs first. If you are a parent, you sacrifice your comfort all the time, and put the needs of your children above your own needs.  If you are a child (even an adult child), we do things that make our parents happy, and many a time, we compromise on what we truly desire or want.

So every now and then, be KIND to yourself. Do one thing every single day that makes YOU happy. Do something that gives YOU joy. Take out time for yourself.
It can be something simple, like spending time relaxing, or going out for a cup of coffee with a friend, or even taking time out to read a good book!

For me, that thing I do for myself is my art. I do illustrated journalling. Check out my work on my Instagram art page, if you want to see what I do.

So how are you going to pamper yourself this weekend?
Tell me your plans in my comment box. If you care to share, I am listening.
ps: If you enjoy my posts, you will definitely enjoy my books. Check out my latest


  1. Hi, I have been reading your books and the one life a what you make it and secret wishlist are my favourites !!! Now, talking about your blog on rewarding ourselves, we should often reward ourselves for something or the other.. my fav one s a cup of nice smelling coffee, ESP with my bestie!!!

  2. Very right madam! One should keep.some time everyday for oneself.

  3. Very true.. Rewarding oneself brings in more self confidence... Weekend plan is to have a nice sleep which I have been missing since long due to some or the other commitments..

  4. I started learning to play guitar from the past three months jus to feel pleasant though nothing related to my career(MBA pursuing) .. I didn't knew any chords, tabs initially as I didn't have a teacher.. I ve started to see YouTube lessons for playing few easy songs.. I can feel the progress now.. made it a habit to play for an hour daily now ... truly , sometimes the acts which ever we do , might not have any direct impact on our profession or education.. but will divert our mind to a new world and feel fresh.

  5. Hello mam, actually I thought to write a blog on 'kiss urself'--like encouraging urself by pampering and kissing urself, which I use to do to make myself happy in bad situations.

  6. Hoping to spend this weekend relaxing and coping with the week's stress! Keep blogging 🎉

  7. Tomorrow, I am going for a herbal hair treatment. I treat myself weekly once with Massages and hair treatments!

  8. That pic is exuding peace.

    I have seen some of your amazing art works on this blog previously. Your artistic skills are extraordinary!

    Reading interesting blogs like this very one is one of the ways to pamper myself while I take short breaks from my work. Other things I do most days to pamper myself are the morning jogs, any time I get for meditation, watching shows/documentaries.

  9. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Weekends for me are Reading, Reading, Writing, Reading. Will try to take out some time during weekdays. Lets see how it comes out to be..!!! :)

  10. I enjoy reading your posts Preeti. I appreciate your idea of blog marathon and waiting to read your posts everyday. Coming to today's post, I absolutely agree with you that we should definitely do something everyday to make ourselves happy. Fortunately till now I always got a chance to pamper myself and of course not at the cost of others' happiness.If I have to be more specific about what gives me much happiness, then I would say reading, writing and able to see all my family members happy and healthy. This weekend I am planning to finish a book that I recently bought from a book fair and I am sure its going to make my weekend the best. :)

  11. I m a teacher and March is a busy month . It is a going to b a very very hectic weekend . We have an arts exhibition at school called the Kinder Artist's Day where kids transform waste into beautiful art work with teachers . It's my passion . Can I share my kids art work with u? (Pls let me know where can I share the pics )Then the year end reports to b submitted on Tuesday. So it's a pack weekend .

  12. I pamper myself by going for a long walk,that's me time and it charges me a lot

  13. I like to reward myself by going for a walk, or listening to music, or perhaps indulging on a pastry which I have been wanting to eat from a long time! Sometimes, I want to forget the reality and soak my mind into a good book. Whatever it is, I try to reward myself once or twice a month.

  14. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Reading your blog is nothing short of rewarding myself. No matter how stressed i am, reading your posts really lifts me up.


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