Life's little gifts (post 27)

Each and every day, I have to take my four legged baby for her walks and I have to take her at least twice a day. I have a doberman (Pics in the previous post) and she is an inquisitive explorer.
She goes so fast sniffing everything, and I have to break into a run to keep up with her.

She finds the most peculiar things---discarded banana peels, garden lizards and frogs.
But today she had a lovely little gift for me.
She found a miniature Betty boop!

Betty Boop proudly stands on my desk now.  She was lost, discarded, forgotten by someone. Now she has found a home :)
What can I say? I am grateful for life's little gifts.


  1. Whenever we receive a gift, we feel special, because we were destined to receive it. When these gifts are given to us by those who love and care for us a lot, then the gift means more than anything in the world. Betty Boop is so cute and I am sure she has added some extra charm to your already beautiful, creative, and awesome desk (photo which you shared with us a few posts back!).

  2. Your love for minutest things and that ornamented by your brilliant thoughts and power of your pen makes you one of the most sought after authors today.

  3. She looks nice and bright! Your doberman thinks you are the right person to keep her.


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