Life goes on (post 9)

What an EXHAUSTING day today turned out to be. The old lady downstairs passed away. She was 83. I went to pay my last respects. There were many mourning. I stayed  for a while, comforted them and came back/.

Sometimes I think what matters really is not your wealth or status or prestige. It's the memories you leave behind.

Even though the day started not-so-well, I am content. Very very content. I shall share that news another time (it's too soon yet to share) but I am excited about it.

I got a lovely letter today. I share it here (with permission)

This is the thing about life. It goes on no matter what. It throws up little surprises every now and then, like the one above. And during the time of our existence, we MUST make lots of happy memories, so that when we go, those whose lives me managed to touch,still remember us and keep us alive.


  1. Such a lovely letter!!
    You are really very beautiful ma'am 😃
    Eagerly waiting to hear that news..
    Good night ma'am.. keep smiling😘

  2. Such a lovely letter!!
    You are really very beautiful ma'am 😃
    Eagerly waiting to hear that news..
    Good night ma'am.. keep smiling😘

  3. THIS AUNTY..... kid don't say the MA to her in that letter

    Anyways.....may the old soul rest in heaven with peace .

    Fiward to read more writings of urs
    Have a nice day mam

  4. What a sweet email!

    Looking forward to hear the exciting news.

  5. What a sweet email!

    Looking forward to hear the exciting news.

  6. Beautiful you!


  7. That mail must have made your day! I am sure if I was in your shoes, I would have felt the same! Eagerly waiting to hear the good news! Take care. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Such a cute super adorable feeling that letter contains.. You are really very beautifula nd you always inspire me to keep exercising and stay healthy.. Looking forward to the exciting news.. All the very best Regards

  9. Enviable Moment ...that becomes memory...

  10. Very right madam! making others happy is our real wealth

  11. Just landed here after finishing "Life is what you make it"


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