Footsteps.(post 15)

For today's post,  thought I would post what I do as a warm up for my writing. There is a site called One word.
You see a word at the top of the screen, and you get 60 seconds to write about it.
My word for today was 'Footsteps'.
And here is what i wrote:

The footsteps you leave on people’s hearts speak a lot about you. Tread with caution. Tread with love. Tread with care. Stomp if you must, but remember when you go, all you leave behind are memories.
The best part is, once you submit, you can also see what the others wrote on that same word, which you did.

Fun, isn't it?

That's all from me for today folks, goodnight.
Don't forget to show me some love by leaving me comments, so I know that you are with me, on this blog marathon!



  1. Hi Preeti. Good morning. Thanks for this post. I thought of playing the One Word game too and wrote the following on the word, Footsteps:

    Whenever I hear the word footsteps, I think about how I have played a role in someone’s life. Whether me being in their life and them being in mine has made a difference or not. When I think of footsteps, I think of a person walking on the beach and the marks which they leave behind. It is very important for us to be a part of one’s life. When we will their life with lots of love and care, they will feel loved.

  2. Whoa! 😳 it's beautiful mam! And to think you have written in 60 seconds! 🙌🙌

  3. Awesome... With this word I recall footsteps as in concrete mortar which remains permanent.. Same way our behaviour and personality leaves permanent footsteps in someone's life.

    Even though I have not seen you in person you have made permanent footsteps in my life.. Thanks a ton..

  4. The footsteps you are leaving through your writing will surely inspire millions of people. Thnx a lot madam.

  5. When we look back at our footsteps it reminds us of the precious moments we have shared with our loved ones. They remind of milestones crossed in life and hearts which we have touched.

  6. That's a great idea... ideas based on one word in 60 seconds...seemed impossible... but tried it anyway... this is what I wrote... and pretty happy about it too.

    My footsteps are precious to be left on a heart that pours water over them. Instead I would rather walk on a path with muck all over. Life is short so I choose to be wise and keep my step with care everytime. Too proud you think but I know how it feels when people act sick.

    Mostly the initial thought to write about heart came almost immediately since I logged in the site soon after I read your words.

    Thanks Preeti Mam

  7. Hi Preeti,

    I second PALAK TRIVEDI who has commented above. You have left permanent footsteps in my life too mainly with your blog and through your books. Thank You so much for both.

  8. Footsteps on the sand of time leave memories galore and when you walk into the sunset the impressions are left behind.(82 secs)

  9. Many aspire to walk in your footsteps. Some succeed to walk in your footsteps, only to imprint them much deeper in the sands of time. Your footsteps Mrs.Preeti Shenoy are here for
    eternity and will remain as clear as they were on the day you leave them, inspiring the little, the young and the old in your own way now and forever.

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Super Preeti,Nothing is Permanant except the impression that v carry on some other heart.

  11. Footstep... The path we walked till we attain the age we are now... And that path may be filled with different colors , shades and shapes... That has got footsteps...! We crossed many boundaries, walked through different paths of life and still walking... Just leaving our footstep in one or other way...But need to be little conscious it has to filled with love & care and joy... As it is footstep....! Which will have it's memory and impression.

  12. Preeti! You always come up with super novel ideas that makes writing such an enthralling experience. Super like your footstep take.

  13. You are leaving wonderful footsteps with your writing and art work. :) Thanks for sharing about the "oneword" website. Tried it and what interests me is that we get to know what comes to our mind when we see the word.


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