Tidy up! (post 23)

 There are many people, who can function well no matter what their surroundings are. It might be messy, chaotic, noisy (think hostel rooms) but it doesn't affect them at all.
But for me, what I am surrounded with matters.
I like clean organised spaces. I like minimalism. I like being surrounded by things that are mean something to me.

One book which I HIGHLY recommend is the Life Changing Magic of Tidying up by Marie Kondo.  The Konmari method works like a charm. I have used it with  amazing results.

My home is full of things that has  for me. I share with you an  old interview which I did sometime back, which gives you a tiny  glimpse of my home. (I had written only 5 books when this was shot..Now I have written 8)

I do believe objects you surround yourself with make a difference. If the stuff and the chaos makes you happy, keep it!
But if it doesn't go read the book I recommend and then ACT on it!


  1. Hi mam ,now days I fully follow ur blog .I like ur all post .I know mam I also inspire to write blog and try to learn how to share feeling in Norway way

  2. Nicely done home! Hoarding stuff bothers us, so we completely adopt minimalism too.

  3. Will surely read this book

  4. Hi preeti,

    Me also like this book very much.


  5. Thanks for this post. I remember watching this interview a few years back. You have such a beautiful home - inside and out - since the people living in it are so warm and friendly, it reflects on the outside too!


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