The fundamentals of caring (post 14)

I just finished watching this lovely movie called 'Fundamentals of Caring'.
It is a poignant , uplifting story  and the humour is dark--exactly how I like it.

When do you know you care for someone? It is when you put your conveniences aside, and care for them to the extent where you make their dreams, their hopes and their aspirations your own.

Parents think that they do this for their children--but here's the thing: Some parents do, some think they do. Many parents try to live their lives, and carry out their ambitions through their children. Many push their kids into science stream, forcing them to take the IIT-JEE, sending them for these coaching classes right from when they are in Class 9! Many feel that career-choices like being a film-maker, or a graphic designer are not really as prestigious as going to IIT and IIM.

True happiness comes only when you do something that YOU find fulfilling. Living someone else's dream is never going to bring you real satisfaction. For sometime you may kid yourself that you are happy. But deep down you know. It goes against the fundamentals of caring.

And the first rule is LOVE YOURSELF, ACCEPT YOURSELF and be the best you can be!

A new post tomorrow. Till then take care of yourself.

Lots of love
A picture that I really like :) I posted this on my instagram today.


  1. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Very Well Said: "True happiness comes only when you do something that YOU find fulfilling." I am surely going to make my wife read this post. She will really love this. She keep saying this to our son who is just 12yrs: "Do whatever you want to, but study well and then choose what interests you"

  2. well said:
    This blog is quite informative for me, thanks for the beautiful blog and discussed about the problem love vashikaran specialist will also helps you divorce related issues.

  3. Looking pretty in sari :).

    I watched this movie recently and liked it. Takes a lot of skill to have hard to recover from tragedies as backdrops and still be able to make a lighthearted movie.

  4. I will watch the movie:)
    thank u 4 introducing

  5. I never watched the movie, nor have heard of it. But after your description about it, I feel like watching it. Will definitely share my thoughts after watching it. Preeti - You always look lovely, but in a sari, you look very elegant. True happiness is only true when we are 100% with what we are doing. To others, it may seem like a waste, but as long as it makes us happy, it should not matter what others think. Very informative post. Thank you!

  6. Thoughtful Post. "Living someone else's dream is never going to bring you real satisfaction. " Yes, if you can achieve the dream yourself, that is the best. But if it is something you can't achieve but you wished to, at least be part of some one or help someone who can achieve it.


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