The questions of Age (post 12)

For my post today, I decided to do something fun, something light, and something breezy, easy and not so cheesy. So I headed over to Sunday stealing. And what do I find?

This! (Not breezy, not easy, and definitely not cheesy). But since I decided to do it anyway, here goes:

1. By a certain age, women should : not give a damn, and should live to please themselves.

2. By a certain age men, should : retire :D

3. When I was young I thought by now I would : stop caring about close people who purposely put you down.

4. Now that I am older I wish : I had not given a damn in my twenties and traveled more.

5. You know that you are too old to do an activity when: you are NEVER too old to do ANYTHING!

6. You know you are too young to do an activity when : it's illegal for you to do that.

7. When I was in high school I listened to the music of : Pop of the 90's, George Michael, Madonna, Sting.

8. When I was in college (or the next four years after high school) I listened to the music of : REM, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Ugly Kid Joe.

9. These days, at my age I find myself listening music of:  what current teens like!!  Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Major Lazer, Bruno Mars, Maroon 5

10. For my last birthday I : sketched something amazing--Tipu's palace!

11. On my next birthday I want to : Be my myself, at a place where nobody can reach me.

12. The best birthday present I ever got was : When my family planned the entire day with me, full of surprises/

13. The first time I felt that I was an adult was when : I gave birth to my son.

14. The last time I felt like I was still a kid was when : I felt helpless about a certain situation. Wait no--I feel like a kid on most days.

15. I would sum up 2016 by saying: It was probably one of the worst years of my life, and I am glad it is over.

16. I hope I will sum up 2017 by saying in December: yeah babe--you did it!

17. So far in terms of age, I feel my first big milestone was: When my first book was published.

18. As I look forward to the rest of my life’s journey, I feel my biggest milestone of my life will be: When i die? :P

19. By the time I was the age I am now I am surprised that I haven’t yet: run away, renouncing the world, adopting asceticism.

20. By the time I am 65, I hope that I have: Lived life to the fullest, travelled a lot and ticked everything on
My Secret wish list 


  1. Super cool..."When I was young I thought by now I would : stop caring about close people who purposely put you down." Great... I feel the same...

  2. Super cool..."When I was young I thought by now I would : stop caring about close people who purposely put you down." Great... I feel the same...

  3. Simply superb - this is for everyone to ponder. The reason for you being one of the best writers in the country apart from your talent is because you love yourself and you love life. This is the basic ingredient for one to be successful.

  4. Spot on answers! Loved reading it. Can relate to most.

  5. Good... By the time I was the age I am now I am surprised that I haven’t yet: run away, renouncing the world, adopting asceticism.

  6. Loved reading your answers, Preeti. I thought of trying it myself and sharing it with you. This is the first time I have ever done something like this!

    1. By a certain age, women should stop worrying about what others think and focus on their happiness

    2. By a certain age men, should stop comparing themselves with others and concentrate on their own goals.

    3. When I was young I thought by now I would be living in a huge mansion with my husband, two kids and a dog.

    4. Now that I am older I wish I did not complain so much in my life.

    5. You know that you are too old to do an activity when you get a gut feeling that it’s not worth it.

    6. You know you are too young to do an activity when no matter how much you try to do it, it’s just not working out.

    7. When I was in high school I listened to the music of Aaliyah, Brandy and some other Rap and R&B Artists.

    8. When I was in college (or the next four years after high school) I listened to the music of Hindi and Malayalam Movies.

    9. These days, at my age I find myself listening music of Malayalam movies and a few Hindi ones too.

    10. For my last birthday I cut a cake at home and work.

    11. On my next birthday I want to celebrate like I never have before.

    12. The best birthday present I ever got was whatever my parents have given me.

    13. The first time I felt that I was an adult was when I started living on my own.

    14. The last time I felt like I was still a kid was when I was with my cousins and we were giggling and joking around as if I was their age.

    15. I would sum up 2016 by saying it was an interesting year with lots of ups and downs.

    16. I hope I will sum up 2017 by saying in December that I lived a happier and less tension free year.

    17. So far in terms of age, I feel my first big milestone was learning to live my life after my father’s unexpected death.

    18. As I look forward to the rest of my life’s journey, I feel my biggest milestone of my life will be giving up my life in States and coming back to settle in my home country.

    19. By the time I was the age I am now I am surprised that I haven’t yet travelled across the world.

    20. By the time I am 65, I hope that I have a healthier life style.

  7. It's a cool list on the questions of age and thinking to have my own list as I have already hit mid 30. I like No. 4, No. 5 and No. 14. How true!


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