Do you take people for granted? (post 18)

My post for today is my column which appears in The Financial Chronicle every Saturday.

 "We all have those friends, who get in touch only when they need something. When you need something, they are always busy or unavailable. Then there is the friend, who vanishes for months together. When they do resurface in your life, there is no apology, no explanation as both parties are genuinely happy to reconnect. I have many friends with whom I can pick up right where I left off, even if it has been years since either of us spoke a word to each other. Mostly these bonds forged in childhood, are so strong that passage of time doesn’t weaken them....."

You can read the full piece HERE.
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  1. The best bond is between a bestselling writer and the readers. Thnx madam for sharing lovely writeups

  2. With close friends, we can bond easily even after meeting them after many years.

  3. Bonds formed in childhood are special. Only with then that you can lose touch completely and then connect back right from where you left off effortlessly. And so true about taking parents for granted. They are taken for granted to such an extent that we have to consciously make an effort to spend time with them.

  4. Bonds formed in childhood are special. Only with then that you can lose touch completely and then connect back right from where you left off effortlessly. And so true about taking parents for granted. They are taken for granted to such an extent that we have to consciously make an effort to spend time with them.

  5. Reconnecting with friends is so exciting! It reminds me of the way things once were, the happiness & that fun experienced growing up, and all the wonder...
    The older we get, the less we need friends and we lose touch with a lot of people.
    I await to catch up my buddies on my friend's wedding--I would love we friends reunite, I would like to run to each other, I like the kissing and hugging, the bringing together the end of missing you dear friends...!!!

  6. What a lovely article. I can agree with you on this one. Sometimes, it was difficult for me to stay in touch with people and vice versa. When I was the one who backed away from the friendship/relationship, it might have been because of a genuine reason and I would find myself constantly apologizing for my behaviour. However, when the tables were turned, there was not even a sorry or justification as to why the person backed away. Maybe it all depends on how an individual looks at the situation.

  7. Yes, there are several friends whom we talk to after several years and continue just the way we left and I have always felt that they are our true friends. This post made me contact several such friends of mine although virtually and I feel very happy to know that they are all just the way they were. Nice post. :)


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