How to escape emotional pain (post 30)

A54-year-old plastic surgeon, Dr Ashok Raj Koul, who is known for advanced surgeries like such as reconstruction of breast and Brachia Plexus injuries, committed suicide on Thursday by jumping off the 10th floor of his residential apartment complex in Bangalore. His colleagues were shocked. He was supposed to have performed two surgeries later that day. He is survived by his wife, who is also a doctor, and two daughters, one studying abroad and the other a student of class 10. In another incident, a 76-year-old retired bank manager leapt to his death from his ninth floor apartment. His wife said he had been depressed over his failing health because of his age.

Each year, around the time of the declaration examination results, there are a few cases of student suicides reported. For some time, there is anguish expressed over social media as well as in newspapers and television, about how we should not pressurise our young people about their academic results. The furore dies down after a few days, only for the whole saga to play itself out the following year, this time with different names, different faces.

One of the suicide prevention websites states that in India, 1,00,000 people commit suicide each year, and every five minutes, someone in India attempts to commit suicide, making it the third major cause of death. They also dispel myths about suicides, one of the biggest being that people, who commit suicide do not talk about it. The fact is people do talk about it, and anyone who mentions it, should be taken seriously. Also it is a myth that most suicidal people have absolute intent of dying. The fact is they take a gamble with death and are ambivalent about living. If the moment passes, they can be saved as they may retain a desire to live. Also, just because someone has attempted to commit suicide, it does not mean that they will remain suicidal forever. In many the suicidal thoughts never return. Everybody who attempts to kill himself or herself is not mentally ill, though some might be. A suicide attempt just indicates deep unhappiness. Suicide also does not happen without warning. Most suicidal people give indications of their intent with words or actions, but the ones closest to them, miss the cue.

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  1. Suicide. The word by itself gives me shivers down my spine. It's really sad that many people kill themselves over silly things. For us, it is silly, but to them it is something so serious, that they are ready to leave this world because it meant the world to them. Two years ago, one of my ex colleagues committed suicide. Though we were not living in the same city, I got the news just a few hours after it happened and I was so shocked. It took me almost till night to accept that it had happened after the story was shown on the news. Whenever I go through the photos taken at work in which she is there, my eyes fill with tears and my mind rewinds to those times. She was a very caring, soft spoken and young woman who knew what she wanted in life. She was a very bold person as well. I hope that she is happy in heaven now. Miss her a lot. Thanks for this post. Have a great weekend and month ahead!

  2. It is sometimes a matter of a sudden decision. An impulsive action. Whatever the situation - one must fight. If family members play a positive role a person can come out of even hopeless situations. Patiently listening to someone's problem and then trying to resolve it is the keyword. Thanks madam for such a thought provoking and brilliant article in Fin. Chronicle.

  3. Yes people r suicide boz internal they r not happy .we should understand there feeling why people want to suicide .people r very juj those person who committ suicide and they were mad .my best friend committed suicide .she was very tilated and happy cool type girls .but some time some problem came and we do not fash its and go to depression .

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very informative article!

  6. My 1 daughter died from sucide
    I know the feeling
    I thus goes to unconsincous upto 8 days

    Later on I can't sleep properly.

    My 1 daughter is my 1 child
    She is only 25 year old....


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