A portrait from my sketchbook

Today's post is a vibrant portrait from the #30faces30days challenge that I am doing.
If you want to see my other portraits, please check out my Instagram art page.
Click HERE
Come back tomorrow for a new post!
Today is day 18 of a 30 day blog marathon that I am doing :)


  1. Dear Preeti,

    Another visual treat from your brush and paints. It's so lively...the gazing carefree smile and curly canopy of hair encircling her face...Loved your colourful strokes of brush to paint her puffed up hair.

    Love, Alka

  2. Hi Preeti. I watched the video you posted on Insta. Must say that the portraits are so lively. I feel that the person is sitting right in front of me. It is a treat to see the sketches on a daily basis. Please keep posting more!

  3. So beautiful Mam! You are master at this.

  4. Beautiful Portrait of a free spirit!


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