A new start of a new decade!

This year or this decades starts with an art challenge for me. I have joined in the Sktchy Challenge 30 faces 30 days,  where I am joining an International community of over 800 artists all over the world. We make a portrait every single day---of the same muse. We get the muse in our inbox, and we all share what we have made using #30faces30days

The above is the portait I made today.
I think it is important to keep oneself challenged creatively. Only then does one grow.

You can see the process of how I painted the above on my Instagram stories.
They remain for 24 hours.

Wishing you all a wonderful new year! This is post 17 of my 30 day blog marathon. Rather than mention it in the title, this year I thought I would put it in the body of the post :)
Come back tomorrow for a new post! :)


  1. All the very best Mam and happy to hear that more posts will be there to read. I was thinking or had misunderstood that it will be only til 31st dec 2019.

    1. No no, I just mean that earlier I was mentioning post number in title. That's a bit meaningless for everyone except myself!! Hence now on mentioning in the post. that's all.

  2. Hi Preeti. First of all, let me wish you and your family a very Happy New Year. It is a pleasure to follow your Instagram posts so your fans, well wishers, family, friends can see what you are up to on a daily basis. Whenever I log into Instagram, I normally visit your status first and listen to "Wake Up, Life is Calling!" It brings so much positive energy to anyone who listens to it. The portrait looks amazing! I could see step by step as you had posted the video. Looking forward to seeing more sketches. Looking forward to more of your posts, not only in the Blog Marathon, but in general. Take care!

    1. Thank you so very much prathima. (hope I got your name and spelling right).
      Lots of people message me and tell me they feel positive when they hear that. But sometimes I myself am so down that i don't feel like saying it--on those days I don't.

    2. Yes, Preeti. You got my name right. As I am not able to comment from my other ID which I normally use (prathima.joishy25@gmail.com),I am using my secondary ID. Take care :-)

  3. Hello dear Preeti,

    Best Compliments for the new decade and new beginnings to you and your family from me and my loved ones. I can't believe that I've missed reading your blogs this time. A lot changed including the country we reside now. A cat and a rat race with supercharged twins doesn't ease out the things either. Anyways, I am happy I still got here sooner or later. Your portraits inspire me to take up my forgotten sketching skills and rekindle them with life on paper. I had been away from my blog too all this while but managed to post a couple of posts like the latest (poetical) one greeting the new decade.

    I shall go back and read your previous posts as and when I can. It's a joy for a word lover to have a glimpse of beautiful word portraits...and if there are face portraits too for eyes...well...it's like getting a pudding when you asked for steamed rice :)

    A very happy 2020

    1. Awww...thank you so much for a lovely lengthy juicy update Alka! Hope you get some time for yourself to skech in between caring for your twin tornadoes!

  4. Have a SuperFantabulousAmazingically Magical Year Ahead..

    Good Vibes and Sunshine always!

  5. All the best for the new challenge Preeti! I am seeing a Portrait where eyes are not in the highlight for the first time and I should say you have captured it very well!


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