The 5 secrets to staying young. Day 5

There are two kinds of senior citizens. One kind considers themselves old. They are jaded and have given up on life. The other group doesn't even think about their age. They are fun and interesting. My mother falls in the latter category.

I call my mother every day. She is fiercely independent, and loves her cottage in a small village in Kerala and loves living by herself.  She  is super fit and walks every single day, apart from doing her 'kriyas'. She is also really well-read and can hold a conversation on most topics you can think of.

A few years back, I got her an I-phone and taught her to use Whatsapp and  Instagram. She is so tech-savvy  now that she posts pics of her travel (all over the world)  on her Instagram handle.

The above is a video I posted of her, which I compiled from photos of her all around the world. (do watch it).

From my mother I have learnt the greatest secrets to staying young.
 They are as follows:

1.  Learn something new. It invigorates your brain cells.

2. Be open minded to new experiences. It makes you grow.

3. Fitness is VERY important. Health is Wealth. Without health you have nothing. So exercise and eat right.

4. Spend time talking to people younger than you. Ask about what their dreams are. Ask their views. When they share --LISTEN. Truly listen

5. Do things that make you happy and do them every single day!

This evening, when I was on a phone call to my mom, she told me that she reads my blog every single day and that she waits for my posts! I felt happy to hear that and told her that I would mention it in today's post. She laughed when she heard that.

Do you have any more points to add to the above? If so tell me in my comment box. :)
Also let me know  in my comment box, if you watched the video. I found it very inspiring and so did many people. Hence shared :)

 That's all for now
A new post tomorrow! (and a special post)


ps: check out my latest book


  1. Beautiful...I live in Noida and my mother lives in Amritsar .I also call her everyday and can discuss about everything with her. Mother is a beautiful gift from God..I could relate so much to this your writing...keep inspiring us

    1. Please convey my regards to your mother! <3

  2. Ma'am about the last point...
    Do things that makes you happy. There's a problem in it.
    I am happy reading novels, watching nextiflix, going out etc., But doing the things that makes me happy puts academics in stake 😂 How to balance that thing

    1. If you noticed--the title of the post is 'secrets to stay young'. You're already too young, hence this post isn't for you :)
      Also please read carefully. No on said you have to do ONLY things that make you happy :)
      Good luck with your exams.

  3. Awesome .....feels nice to come across such beautiful stories people around you, and the best part is it quells all the apprehensions we have about old age......

    1. So glad. Yes, age is nothing to be afraid of.

  4. All the points are so true and valid mam. Waiting for your new special post tomorrow

  5. Hi Preeti,

    I have had a super challenging week and I should say your blog posts have been a major refresher every single day. Didn't get a chance to comment on all of your posts except the first one, since I wanted to comment one by one, but I thought let me respond to this fresh when I read it. Your Mother sounds awesome just like you. Happy Birthday to your beloved Mom! One more thing I have read about staying young is to have friends in all age categories from 5 to 95 or more if you are lucky. All of them bring their own perspective about the world and that enriches yours. Coming to me I too have opened up myself to a lot of new experiences last year. I am 39 and started learning Ice Skating which was extremely difficult in the beginning but I persisted and recently cleared Level 1. Planning to continue the same throughout 2020 as it challenges and entertains me at the same time a unique combination. I completed my first 5K run also this year. Planning for a 10K next year. Oops just realized, I wrote too much. Just felt so good sharing the good stuff with you. I’ll stop for now. Looking forward to your next post tomorrow

    ~ Indu.

  6. I am all caught up in commenting on all your blog posts! Don't want to break the streak now :) ~ Indu.

    1. Hi Indu, i loved your replies and looks like we share many challenges together.. Like the runs and skating. If you wanna connect with me let me know. I would love to make a nee friend.

    2. Hi Shally,
      This is really nice to hear! You can email me @ Would love to hear from you :). Again Thanks to Preeti for providing a platform for fostering new friendships :)

  7. This is so beautiful Preeti! My compliments to your Mom, she is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. I have watched the video long before Mam. Your mother is equally inspiring as you. Thank you for sharing her views Mam.

  9. Very inspiring.. but i wonder how to travel when we don't have company. At this age is it advisable to travel alone. Maybe having good travel company matters.

  10. We could do a separate blog marathon on this - M-O-T-H-E-R-S! :) there's so much to write and say!

  11. Hi Preeti! It was wonderful to read this post. Your Mom reminds me of mine as she too is ever ready and does not let Age stop her from doing things in life. Love your Mom's zest for life. I that is one of her traits which you have inherited! Loved all the points which were mentioned in this post. Take care!


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