Send a little joy in the mail ! Day 7

There's something magical about the Christmas season. People might say it is commercialised  and advertising has made it all about expensive gifts, but I think it depends on the individual families and how they let it affect them.

I am a part of an International Artists Community and this year, I signed up for a card exchange programme. We  are assigned groups and we make hand made cards for all in our groups. I received a BEAUTIFUL card in the post yesterday (coincidentally on my birthday)  from Norway, from a complete stranger. It was so BEAUTIFUL.

I am not allowed to share it as yet, as many haven't yet received the cards, and it might spoil the surprise for the others in the group if the person has made similar cards.
I too have made cards for people in my group and have sent out a bunch, and will be sending the rest tomorrow.

I am looking forward to the cards I will receive!

Isn't this a lovely idea?
If you like it, you can make your own groups and exchange REAL cards with strangers. You would just need someone to take the lead and coordinate, and assign groups. This can easily be done with the help of Google docs, or you can join artists  communities  like Sktchy where such things are done.

New post tomorrow! :)
Till then-- Stay warm, stay happy!

ps: Check out my new book :


  1. Woww! It's so cool Mam. In this time of social media, we have forgotten the art of making cards and writing letters. It would be so wonderful to start them again.

  2. Such a lovely thought mam. I would definitely like to do this..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Another novel concept for me! Thanks for introducing this Preeti. It's really beautiful thing to brighten up someone's day, someone whom you don't even know, someone who might be needing that much needed love or just anyone is general. This is my favorite time of the year too, there is so much of happiness in the air, the happiness which just comes from getting together with families and friends ~ Indu.

  4. The sheer sight of a Santa Claus still brings out the child in me :)

  5. Wow! This is so beautiful and thoughtful. When I read this post, it reminded me of Pen Pals that we had during Elementary School. We would write to them for a few months and finally one day, our class would visit their class at our respective schools. It was so nice to make friends with strangers who later became our best friends. I was extremely lucky one year when I had 2 Pen Pals. Friendship is a gift. We must cherish it without an expiry date!


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