Love is like that! (blog marathon post 9)


This poem is dedicated to a good friend of mine whose Birthday it is today(12th May).[It's already tomorrow in India, but for me it is still today :)] These lines came to me after I had a longish conversation with him this morning, and as I was ironing the washing. Often I find, creativity comes to me when I am doing mundane jobs that involve no thinking like doing the dishes. I jot down my ideas on whatever I happen to find lying around at that time. Later I develop them into sketches, poems or write ups.

Many have appreciated the simplicity in my work, yet they say, there is so much depth and so much power in my words. They ask me if I do it deliberately. They say it is really hard to be simple. Honestly I don't know, because I never think when I am writing. Not consciously anyway. I write sincerely with honesty and I guess that shows!

Here is the poem I just wrote. This one is for you Ajay. Thanks for being there always when I need you.

Love is like that!

Looking out of my window
I stood glued to the spot,
For I saw love slipping away
Tip-toeing not to be caught.

Wait, I called out,
But love did not listen,
"You tried too hard to hold on,
It feels like a prison"

Wait, I called out,
Give me another chance,
"No," said love,
"You have to book in advance"

I looked for anyone,
Who would sell love in black,
But they all turned out to be fake,
I was completely off track.

I tried calling up love,
But love put me on hold,
"Too busy answering calls,
Please wait," I was told.

Too many people searching,
For elusive,slippery love.
If you find it, hold on to it,
But gently, not so tight now.

Love is like water,
Love is like sand,
It slips out of your hold,
Just as it slips out of your hand.

But when you least expect it,
And when you think you're done,
It walks right back into your heart,
You think its over, but its only just begun.

© Preeti Shenoy

Kindly do not reproduce without permission


  1. Very nice. Can you really make this up when you are ironing ?? Wow !!
    Happy Birthday Ajay

  2. Neat n true! Everyone loves their space and so does love :).

    No PS I dont blog. just opened up so I could leave comments for u :).

  3. wow....And what a sweet dedication!!! Every single word is so nice and full of meaning!!! Awesome blog!! Loved it!
    And wish Ajay on my behalf as well!!

  4. So so touching - Happy birthday to Ajay.

    The last 2 paragraphs I love the most...genuine love will always stay with matter what happens :)

  5. Beautiful. Wonderful, vivid, word pictures.

  6. truly simply and beautiful!
    Pass on the wishes to Ajay, am sure you made his day :)

  7. Happy Bday Ajay..
    Awesome write up. simple n rhyming
    hey n u forgot to reply to my comment(Post 8)

  8. That is a touching one. You do have magic in your words. Unlike other authors, it is very easy to relate to you, The things you write about are everyday stuff but with a thought in it that most folks are too busy to realize on their own!

  9. BTW ... Happy Birthday wishes to Ajay!

  10. Hey Preeti ..tht really very true..ur writing are really worth reading...they are simple and very much straight from heart, I really love the way u compare things and put it in words (e.g :friendship type of article where u compared with toothbrush, belt...)
    So I wish u always being writing more of this way and come with more books like 34 Bubblegums and Candies ... :)

  11. lovely poem, happy birthday to ur friend

  12. Nice poem Preeti.. Wish a happy birthday to your friend..

  13. A very Happy Birthday to Ajay :)

    Such a nice poem :) Hold onto it very tight and it slips out, gently let it rest on your shoulder and it's your forever :) So true :)

  14. Wishing Ajay a very happy birthday.
    Lovely, meaningful poem :-)

  15. Love is indeed like that. Lovely poem

  16. very very nice:)....really loved the poem:)...
    happy birthday Ajay:)

  17. Anonymous1:02 PM

    That's a lovely poem!!

    Birthday wishes to ur friend!! :-)

  18. Anonymous1:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. ohh thats a lovely poem Ps! :) and so true!

    Yep what people say is have a way of writing a very profound statement in such simplistic terms that it makes the rest of us wonder why we never thought of it that way! :)

  20. Sweet....What a lovely poem :)

  21. Beautiful and lovely!!

  22. Hey.. PS.. Nice poem.. :)

    Have been reading your posts since a long time but never commented..

    Anyway.. keep up the good work.. looking forward to all of May!

  23. Mridula: And for that grave crime of reading my blog and never commenting, choose your punishment! :) Don't run away--just kidding. I really like it when people take time off to tell me what they think. Many just read and leave. If I like the post, I usually comment. So I am glad this post motivated you enough to comment.

    Life begins: thank you.

    Tabitha: :) Thanks.

    Sunshine: Thats what people say but i don't understand!

    Tess: thank u for commenting :)

  24. Santasizing; happy u did! Thanks :)

    SS: Oh yes--it is like that.Thanks :)

    Shruti: Thank you!

    Stillness speaks: When are you coming here?

    Veena: Thanks.Will do.

    Monika: thank you :)

  25. Prabodh: tere muh mein ghee shakkar--aur agar ghee shakker nahin pasand tho replace it with whatever u choose :) Thanks a lot.

    Ashwini: Thats what people say--but I really don't understand! If many are saying it it must be true i guess! Thanks from my friend too.

    Prats:Thank you.

    Sunny Raju: I think you missed seeing my reply for last post..It is very much there--buried in the comments..Look again.

    Only One: don't know about that. he does not even know of this post, but he will see it soon. :P Thank you!

    Rayne: Coming from an extremely talented person like you, it means a lot.Thank you so much.

    Shachi: :) Only you said it was touching..somehow i felt that too. thanks so much--and will pass on your wishes.

  26. Durga: thanks so much! Will pass on your wishes too.

    Fay: Really appreciate that. Many many many (esp non bloggers) just read and leave. And its nice to get comments. Thank you.

    Vinoo: thank you!

    Revathi: thank you!

    Ramesh: Will wish him from you. The basic idea comes when I am ironing or doing dishes or when falling asleep (that state when you are almost asleep but not yet) Then I write in detail later. Thank you! :)

  27. 'But when you least expect it,
    And when you think you're done,
    It walks right back into your heart,
    You think its over, but its only just begun.' - Damn! I can still hope :D

    Thank you.

    P.S: Happy birthday Ajay. You're so lucky :)

  28. Oh this is a lovely gift for your friend.

    Happy Birth day Ajay :)

  29. Thank you guys for your wishes :) First time I am replying on Preeti's blog (or any blog for that matter, I think).
    There's this SMS a friend had once sent me that I'd like to share here. "Love is like a bird, if u hold it tightly it dies, if u hold it slightly , it flies, hold it just right and it anyways shits in your hand" :) LOL :P Hope I am not the only one here who found it funny :)
    Thanks for your wishes once again

  30. Here's wishing Ajay a Very Very Happy B'day!God Bless!
    n ajay ur joke did make me smile! like the light-hearted take on the v. profound love :)

    @PS: i like ur poem...tho I know nor u'stand nothing of love..It makes sense when i apply it to things other than love [as well]

  31. Ajay: That's why you should F**K Love, Have Sex. :D Darn! I should patent that line :)

    Pavi: See my comment to Ajay above :) And thanks--BTW,What did you apply it to? :P

  32. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Sighh... lovely.

    Sometimes ideas come to me when I am in the shower in the morning. Then I start wishing I was always showering. I hope you do not have such wishes.

  33. hey preeti, nice poem

    Question for you - when you called love and it asked you to hold, was the call redirected to India? If not, it seems like a good BPO oppurtunity and I'd like to have the first mover advantage :)

    take care and hi to satish..

  34. Happy birthday to Ajay!..

    I always remember that holding on to love is like holding a bird...too tight and it will not be able to breathe and loosely, it will fly away from you and you will not have it.

    Lovely poem

  35. I see Ajay already quoted the quote...goes to show what a good illustraion it is.!

  36. Awesome!!! I think Ajay will cherish this poem forever.... Anyway Happy Birthday to Ajay

  37. Anonymous2:20 AM

    wow i loved that poem! has the makings of a classic! Love's like that. Just when you want to give up, it injects you with "hope" tonic :)

  38. Busy writer: thank you!

    Party with Neha: Thanks!!

    Sushobhan: Don't know about that! :) Did you fnd my reply to blog post 8?

    Niall: Yes--but he had to add the twist in the tail bit by adding humour to it :)

    Torpedo: Oh yes--that had occured to me too--but with recession etc it is not a good time for a start up and definitely not for love ! ;-) Congrats o your blog--when did u start blogging? u never told me!!

  39. Sruoloc: Alas, I don't have such luxuries--the moment I step into the bathroom, one of the kids will yell out for me "Maaa--where are you? maaa--have you finished?" That ensures I don;t stay in for too long :)

  40. that's lovely....

    sadly ideas come to me when i'm asleep...and whne i get up, poof!

  41. I hope my comment gets noticed in the loooong list. Whatever, truly beautiful poem...Your work is simple and original...i always told you ..straight from the heart...Lovely...

    Happy brithday to ajay..i dont know him...


  42. Belated wishes to Ajay.
    That is a neat poem. Simple and beautiful.

    Cheers :-)

  43. Good poem !!!
    PS: Creativity comes to me at the weirdest hour at the strangest place (Read -Restroom)

  44. Nice poem Preeti :-)


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