A day trip to Greater Yarmouth (Blog marathon post 22)

We went on a day trip yesterday to a place called Greater Yarmouth. It was, to use a cliché, simply great !
There are many attractions at Greater Yarmouth, apart from the beach. To explore them all, a single day is just not enough. This site has already done a great job in explaining all of it. So it saves me the trouble of writing it here.

We did many interesting things yesterday, but the highlight for me, undoubtedly was a visit to the Merrivale Model village which is a remarkable tribute to the model makers skills. It is a miniature model town, replete with every single detail that a town can boast of--a railway, a Church, a musical band, a hospital, a town square, a zoo, a petrol garage, a farm, a village green, a stadium, racing track for cars, bridge , ruins of an old cathedral, a circus and even a medieval castle! The eye for details is astounding. The whole town is laid out amidst beautifully landscaped gardens and it will take you at least an hour to walk around the winding paths and look at the models. Hidden in a little stream is a beautiful mermaid (we were lucky to spot her) sitting coyly gazing at a tight rope walker, walking across the tiny pond. There was even a Sardarji who has settled in UK and his family too! There was a fire happening and the Fire engine had smartly arrived to save the occupants.There are buttons which you can press and the models come alive with movement and sound. I really felt like Gulliver in Gulliver's travels when he stepped into the world of Lilliput.

If you want to know more about this award winning family attraction you can go here --they even have a video which will give you a fair idea of what it is all about.

I am sharing some pictures too.(Click on each to enlarge. )I was amazed at the eye for details when you look in through the windows and took some close-ups of them. The photo which has me in it, gives you an idea of the size of these models which I am sure are all 'to-scale' ones.

Isn't this amazing?


  1. As a 4th/5th grader I used to dig up our backyard the same way. Making racing tracks for my toy cars (with water jumps and bridges and flyovers and underpasses) or obstacle courses for my G.I.Joe's :) Wonderful.

  2. wow! sounds like a place you can spend almost all day admiring! no wonder all your pics were only of this place :)

  3. Guru: There were lots of other pics--but did not post them here :) Will put it on FB.

    Ajay: This morning the kids had an argument on GI joes versus Barbies :) :) Any guesses which side I was on? :)

  4. Awesome! Is it modelled on any particular city or is it just the architect's imagination?

    UK's coast is beautiful to say the least.

    Mysore too had one such park but like all Indian parks it has not been maintained! I found a this very old hindu article (Dec 05 2007) about that park when I was searching for a photo of it to send it across to you.

    Here's the link

  5. My HTML code for the link doesn't seem to be working. Here's the link.


  6. Amazing place, I have been in london thrice yet missed this :(. May be next time for sure. I think you know the festivel of "Navrathri Kolu ".
    we use to do similar arrangement called "park" at home next to god idols on the floor- ofcourse defn not this good though :)

  7. Gulliver in Gulliver's travels when he stepped into the world of Lilliput

    exactly... its beautiful..

  8. O nice...there a similar place here in NL also...its equally wonderful.

  9. whoa..all these are miniatures??!!!i like the 6th snap from the top..the lady looks almost lifelike :D first time here from vatsan's blog :) very colorful one..this blog of urs :)

  10. Very very nice :)

  11. wohuu...seriously it all seems so interesting... :)

  12. Unless you said these are models and your photo, it would have been difficult to imagine.

    Thinking, why this marathon is only for 30days!!!

  13. Wow...They look like the settings from an Enid Blyton book :D

  14. Meira: You know they are exactly a replica of the English towns here. I constantly feel like I am in an Enid Blyton book!

    Maddy: Its only for 30 days so i don't go completely mad and I also get back to completing my second book :) Thanks for the encouragement!

    Chirpy-paro: Oh yes--it was very.

    Gils: 5'4 and a half inches by no standards is miniature except in the land of Giants. Wondering who that lifelike lady you managed to spot is. :)

  15. Life begins: i think a few more European countries have them.

    Mindspace: yes--like Gulliver :)

    Srivats: It's in Norfolk. From London it would take you about 3 hours to get here. I used to love Kolu. Lived in Chennai for a few years. Especially used to like the tiny 'kannadis' that girls used to be given.

    Varun:Thanks for the interesting link. read it. Wonder if it's up and running now. I don't think this is modelled on any town. It's just imaginary.All English towns look exactly like this.

  16. Great place! I especially liked the last one with The Pines Hotel. Nice merging of the real people (am I right?) and the model ones.

  17. Amazing ! I have never seen anything like this before.

  18. Ranjini: I had seen it in movies before. Had read about it.Glad I got a chance to visit.

    Monika: thank U!

    Gayu: "real people" were visitors who came there. they are sitting far away at the cafeteria. They are not part of display! :P :)

  19. Amazing!! Actually, beyond amazing!! Why don't they think of stuff like this in India!!

  20. Hey PS,

    GREAT pics...thanks so much for sharing them...haven't even heard of this place :( but it's defi on my to-visit list now :)

    On a completely unrelated note, you really do not look like a mother of two (this is supposed to be a compliment)...Can you please share the secret of your beauty & fitness?


  21. oh woow..the pics look awesome..sure u would have had fun!

    PS: Was out on a vaccation for last 3 days...so commented on all the posts i had missed out today !

  22. ya the place looks great... the kind of miniature models taht are on display took me to my childhood days.. :)

  23. wow - really nice! wud love to visit it when i get a chance to come to UK!

  24. Cute place. I love doll houses.

  25. Nessa: Oh yes. me too :)

    Shachi: I hope you do.

    Sushobhan: yes. You do feel like a child when you are in there.

    Pavi: yes--read all your comments.Thank you :) Replied back to the questions you asked on your blog too.

    Palsworld: thank you for the fabulous complimetn :) (yes i do take it as a compliment when people tell me I don't look like a mom. Secret is just watching what I eat and slogging it out. Am very much into fitness and healthy eating. Yeah--i know it is boring to actually do it! But that's me!) :-) Oh--and I do yoga too :P

    Stillness speaks: See link given by Varun--there is such a place in India.

  26. It's beautiful!

    Also reminds me of that song from Guru 'Jaipur se nikli gaadi delhi chalein hauley hauley'...lol!

    The 'London Bridge' looks cool.

  27. Still thinking: Must ask S about that song--i haven't heard it! :)

  28. Oh it's beautiful. I love these little miniature towns, they make me feel like a kid again, even though we feel like giants.

  29. I just read this to Jan who said when she went to Great Yarmouth "It was dire"...I've not been there but this little village looks fun...time to get the Lego Bricks out!

  30. wow that looks awesome!! i would loove to visit such a place!

  31. haha you look like a Giant..a Cool Giant that is :)


  32. that looks tempting. there is something similar near bangkok..it has miniature models of the wonders of teh world...interesting but i like this better..its like stepping into a story book.

  33. Sounds Great! Pics r awesome!

    awesome design n architechture!

    n u look way too young for ur age!

  34. Wow....the place looks beautiful & u look pretty as a picture:-))

  35. reflections: thank u on both counts :)

    Hunter: Thanks :)

    Suma: U said it in the right words. Indeed a storybook.

    Geetha: :) First time i have been called that :)

    Sunshine: Hope u do

    Niall: What did she mean by dire? "seriuos" or boring i am guessing. I liked it--but for me it was something completely new. Might not be so for jan.

    DM: Oh yes!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I half expected to see doll sized people as well :P

  38. This is an excellent blog post; I think there’s some excellent information here.

    Just a small piece of advice, if your looking for accommodation in the Great Yarmouth, then Take a look at this website, it lists 100s of hotels and bed and breakfasts. I’ve used it lots of times and it always seems to deliver.


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