Five Fun Friday Questions (blog marathon post 25)

The Cure - Friday I'm in love

Normal is boring. Routines are boring. Being staid and not expressing yourself and withholding what you truly feel is boring. Being like everybody else and saying what everyone else says and doing what everyone else does is boring.

I hate boring. Life is too short to be bored!

The above video is one of my favourites. I like it a lot because it is-- well--not boring! There is so much life in it and so much of self expression. Besides , it is about Friday--and who does not like Fridays?!

Here are a fun set of questions for you that are not boring. They will make you think--that is for sure-, and you do enjoy that don't you? The first question was on BBC Radio two, two days back. The callers had to call in with their answers and what a terrific set of answers we got to hear! The other questions I made up.

I have just discovered ---

One thing that I will unabashedly admit—

One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds—

Right now I’d rather be ---

If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose—

Here are my answers:

I have just discovered what new age lingo specifically what the words ‘shotblocker’ and ‘wingman’ mean.

One thing that I will unabashedly admit is that I can mind read, lip read , proof read and love to read and read and read.

One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds...Errr—for how long do I have to do it? ;-)

Right now I’d rather be reading a book and working on my second book.

If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— surely the ex !

Now Go on--don't be boring. Don't read and leave. Use those grey cells and tell me your not-boring answers. :-)

I'd love to know.


  1. I have just discovered --- that it IS possible for people to blog everyday :)

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit— I have tried and failed at the aforementioned task.

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds—deny my faith in God

    Right now I’d rather be --- reading the book that I started to read last night.. But can't, cos I'm in office

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— The new office hottie.. Come on, the ex is ex, for a good reason. y to visit the past?! :)

    Sam Jayanth

  2. One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds— I can only think of things that I might do with a million pounds, but it would not be different from what I am doing without the million pounds!! I guess I would only probably not look at the price tag while shopping. Otherwise little else would change!

    Right now I’d rather be --- working out ( have taken the day off!, but have decided to laze)

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— The new office hottie.. I like Sam's answer - the ex should remain an ex. Possibly ignore the dimwit and get back to the book you were reading! Better company for sure.

  3. I have just discovered --- a new way to bluff a colleague on lunch table

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit—dat i dnt knw how to use a concealer

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds—to dictate my life...

    Right now I’d rather be --- doin my office wrk ( bt m glued to Preeti's daily blog posting :D)

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose—
    surely d ex-...

    Hye Preeti----Nice wrk..wen i log-in in d mrnig first thing is to check ur orkut profile for updates of new blog...m addicted to ur postings..really a nice wrk
    Keep rocking..
    PS- ur wrk makes my day complete...

  4. I have just discovered that I can surely overcome past with a little effort and thought

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit is that am kind of stubborn :D

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds is to do something in which i have no conviction

    Right now I’d rather cosy up on a sofa with a cup of coffee and a book

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose 'ex' better to meet with known devils than the unknown ones :D

  5. I have just discovered that am still thinking!!

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit I have a pot belly for 5 yrs nw..he he

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds is support any other club than Manchester United.(i would not do it if you paid me all the money there is in the world)

    Right now I’d rather be working he he he he

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose(i dont have either so its tough but about a hottie ex who is not a dimwit!!!

  6. Hey Priti great marathon blog posts ...!
    this is what I came up with after using my grey cells !..
    I have just discovered - that its possible for me to read blogs the whole day at work and not feel guilty 
    One thing I would unabashedly admit – I love languages and I love the power of words.
    One thing I would never do even if you pay me a million pounds – compromise with my integrity (sounds too stereotype doesn’t it buts it’s the truth!)
    Right now I’d rather be – trekking through the Himalayas
    If I had to choose between date with an ex (with no potential make up) and a new hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose – the ex definitely!

  7. Sam: Wow! Impressed about not denying your faith!

    Radha: :) Smiled reading about dimwits for company :)

    Nidhi: Thanks for those fabulous comments!

    Sandya: Very impressed with your answer about million pounds.I'd do it even if i had no conviction about it :)

    Shantharam: U get these Man-U duvet overs here. U'd love them.I plan to but it for my son's bedroom.

    Ruch: thanks! Smiled reading about your guilt-free blog reading at work :)

  8. I have just discovered that I lose to my friend in a game of nuts and crosses all the time :(

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit - I hate cooking and love washing dishes. Strange huh?

    One thing I would never do, even if you pay me a million pounds - Spend an entire day shopping.. Or even half a day!!

    Right now I'd rather be - at the Inca trail in Machu Pichu (Peru)

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex and an office hottie I'd choose - All exes are dimwits so bring on the new one ;)

  9. I have just discovered that one can commit suicide on a train top in india by electricity while eveyone are watching and taking video.

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit is that I can watch friends any episode any time and any number of times.

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds. Do some person some harm(even If i dont know him/her)

    Right now I’d rather be with my mom in a coffee shop chatting.

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— surely the ex

    Thanks for making me do it :)

  10. Preeti, i would love them...wish i really had a million dollars :( (but truth is i hardly have $3 in my wallet he he he)..i would have made my entire bedroom with United colors :):)

  11. I have just discovered --- That I'll never be able to discover myself, I'm not easy at all! :)

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit—-- Sex is good after all, it benefits the skin the most :p

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds—-- Hell, it's million pounds!!! It's not the right time to behave like a prude :p

    Right now I’d rather be --- Having that long overdue reflexology massage, you have no idea how much I need it!

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose—-- The ex, anyday. Taking off frm Grey's Anatomy, everybody needs a good sweaty healthy closure.

    Happy Friday :)

  12. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I have just discovered that I am not as intelligent as i thought i was - what with me doing badly in my exam again - the 4th time :(

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit is that I am a lazy person ... who would sit on a couch with a laptop all day ...

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds...pose nude ...casue id probably cause too many cardiac arrests :)

    Right now I’d rather be a squirrel ... or a cat ... a baby ...anyone but me .

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— the dimwit hottie - my only chance to show off my grey cells ;)

  13. I have just discovered --- that there's a literary genre called chick-lit and it's actually a bestseller in spite of most of the writing being frivolous (in my opinion :P).

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit --- is that sometimes a fart can be very releiving :) :P

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds --- is stop idolizing Michael Jordan. Well come to think of it ..... :)

    Right now I’d rather be --- motorbiking across Ladakh on a Bullet (Enfield - the bike not the rifle).

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose --- preferably both together :) If that's not possible then the new office hottie (since no chance of getting back together with the ex)

  14. I have just discovered that it so difficult for small companies to survive in the huge world!!!

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit that I fall for guys with amazing sense of humor.

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds .... still thinking...

    Right now I’d rather be a free bird..with no boundaries...:P (I seriously wish to fly right now)

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose It has to be ex...

  15. I have just discovered --- after reading this that am not sleepy anymore..

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit— i can spend hours taking/viewing fotos..

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds— is eating non-vegetarian

    Right now I’d rather be --- in a hot bath..(sigh)

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— neither..sorry :(


  16. I have just discovered - I can also have the strongest coffee in the world and love it too :)

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit - i can sit for hours without doing anything

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds - go near a lizard

    Right now I’d rather be with my sister in bangalore

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) - Ex for sure.. esp because of no potential to make up..hehehehe..atleast i would have a date.

  17. I have just discovered - I can eat efficiently with my left hand, while the other is busy commenting on blog posts! :)

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit - I bite my nails! :(

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds - come over my fear of dogs and spiders...ewww!

    Right now I’d rather be writing my own blog.

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) - A new office hottie... I'll have a gala time pulling his leg. ;)

  18. Purnima: Whose leg? :P

    Lifebegins: i absolutely love strong coffee too.In Egypt I had got addicted to Turkish coffee.

    Geetha: Ditto for me for photos!! :)For a million pounds i'd happily eat non veg even though till date i have never eaten red meat or even mutton :)

    Chirpy paaro: And how do u judge 'amazing sense of humour'? :) Anyone who makes u laugh? Actually that's one important thing for me too :P

    Ajay: :D Trust you to b so unabashed..Really LOL'd reading that..and Michael Jordan versus million pounds--come on!

  19. poonam1: Sitting whole day on a couch with laptop is a sign of intelligence :)

    Stillthinking: Completely with u on the million pounds, sex and closure :)

    Srivats :Shocked at the first one--did it happen recently?

    Lostworld: somehow many people find dishwashing soothing. Not strange at all.

  20. poonam1: Sitting whole day on a couch with laptop is a sign of intelligence :)

    Stillthinking: Completely with u on the million pounds, sex and closure :)

    Srivats :Shocked at the first one--did it happen recently?

    Lostworld: somehow many people find dishwashing soothing. Not strange at all.

  21. I have just discovered --- that my role has been changed @ work ( n im not yet sure how i feel about it..)

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit— is that i've had a wild teenage life ;)

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds— Own a pet!!! ( ya! really.they terrify me n in the process i think i end up terrifying them!)

    Right now I’d rather be --- having a busy day @ work!!! (ya, the day @ work has been so darned dull n therz just nothing to do!!)

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— EX OF COURSE!!!

  22. Ahhhhh...finally here I am commenting...Read all the other blogs too i think last 4 at a stretch now;-) awesome blogs!! Had a great time reading it!! part of the answers to these will tell what I am upto!;-)

    I have just discovered --- packing off completely after 2 years in a place is HECTIC:(

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit— I take things for granted in the beginning and struggle at the end!!

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds—change my profession

    Right now I’d rather be --- out in the sun taking pictures,...but I am packing and clearing up loads n loads of trash:(((

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose— ex for sure:-)

    Now you know...i am reloactiong back to India after 2 years of stint in US, and goshhhh....tomorrow is my travel date!! Hope to catchup with the marathon asap!!

    Have a great weekend!

  23. Durga: all the very best with your move! Bet you're looking forward to moving back.

    Pavi: :) I like the capitals in definitely the ex :)

  24. I have just discovered - "as you know ( sniff ), Archie's marrying Veronica !!

    One thing I will unabashedly admit - "I'm taking advantage of my juniors.. and it feeeeels good :)"

    One thing I would never ever do, even if u pay me a million bucks - get addicted to TeleTubbies ( I dont know why that came into my head !!! )

    Right now, Id rather be - not on 24 hour on call at the hospital awaiting news of a lady's delivery :(

    If I had to choose.. you know what, I'd go with the ex.. as long as i get to choose the ex :D

  25. preeti, about the suicide on top of train that Srivats mentioned that incident is real and some guy put it out on youtube!!PLS DO NOT WATCH IT..very disturbing!!! i could not sleep well last night after watching that video...Very very disturbing....
    have a nice weekend :)

  26. Phew nice way to head towards a weekend :)

    I have just discovered -- i do happen to follow your blog from last 25 days

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit --— I love to watch cartoon & Disney movies

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds —-- staying away from Inida (Pune)

    Right now I’d rather be --- at home and watching my fav Disney movie ratatouille rather then spending time in office

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose -—- hottie... why to spend time with a history character(ex)

  27. Shatharam: Thank you for the warning. Surely will not watch.

    Anish : heh heh--I liked how you classified ex as history character. personally I can't stand dimwits..and ex--ah well--for old times sake ;-)

    Roshan: Sniff sniff..They just showed it NDTV too.. Hope it is not true!

  28. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I have just discovered-that twitter is really addictive and even useful if u use it effectively.

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit—is that I'm addicted to your blog :)

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds—betray a friend.

    Right now I’d rather be-sleeping,as its almost 2 and I have been up since many nights now!work tomorrow too!

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose—
    the ex. At least we'll have camaraderie. I cant stand dimwits.

  29. Aha - you sure make us think and work on these questions (apart from work, work) on a Friday :)

    I have just discovered --- that I could find snakes in my backyard (and I have a snake phobia!!!!)

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit—I miss my mom 365x24x7....

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds—is to break ties with my family (mom,dad,sis) - (and i was asked to do that by someone in the past).

    Right now I’d rather be --- reading a book (I so much miss reading - I haven't finished a single book in the last 2-3 months :( ).

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose—EX ofcourse....

  30. Just heard the song and its sooper - made my day :) Thanks a ton for blogging and spreading such joy all around.

  31. shachi: Glad it made your day. i simply love the song. And i have snake phobia too!

    Partywithneha: U're working on saturdays?!Where do u work?!

  32. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Preeti: At a college. Colleges don't close on Saturdays here.Crap!

  33. There are so many comments, you surely don't need to read another one from me...

    But Thank you for posting the video..that song is significant to me because it was the playing on the radio at 3:30 in the morning when I was driving Jan to the hospital in June 1992...she was in labour and about to give birth to our son Sam...and yes, it was a friday!So that song always conjours up memories of that time!

  34. My two bits:

    I have just discovered that my pe is leaking ink all over my fingers.

    One thing that I will unabashedly admit is that I could do with losing a few inches off my tummy

    One thing that I would never ever do, even if you pay me a million pounds is starve myself to death for a size zero.

    Right now I’d rather be all cuddled up in my nice bed at home and enjoying my siesta.

    If I had to choose between a date with an ex (with no potential to make up) and a new office hottie (who is a dimwit) I’d choose the new office hottie obviously. Change is the spice of life :P


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