The wedding diaries

 We had a busy day today. The wedding was grand, splendid, resplendent, rich an a visual treat. We  had a lovely time, coming in with the 'baraat'.
We also clicked a lot of photos and created many happy, warm memories.

I have an early morning flight to catch tomorrow, and so I shall leave you with a sketch I made, this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was my way of getting some quiet time amidst the  noise , music and the general buzzing that accompanies a wedding

I am sharing it with you.

More again tomorrow.
Good night folks.

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  1. This is so beautiful. Loved it❤

  2. So i think you will reply to comments when you feel you are free :( :(

    1. Yes, am back in Bangalore now, and hence catching up with comments. It's difficult to blog, and catch up with comments when you are celebrating at a wedding!!

  3. And that is another beautiful sketch

  4. Your book of sketches will be a bestseller too, if you ever publish these ma'am. ��

    1. I am seriously considering it Deepti..A little book of travels, with my sketches.

  5. Thoroughly enjoy your sketches!


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