Home sweet home

 Finally, after a long and hectic journey, I am back home. I woke up at 4.30 am this morning, and I am resting only now.

One the flight back home, I finished an entire novel. I also met the staff at Relay bookstore at terminal 1, and signed a lot of copies of A Hundred Little Flames.
You can see pictures and videos on my Instagram. in the stories .

All I can say for today, is I am exhausted, but relieved too , to be back.

Home Sweet home!

I love the peace and quiet in my home, the comfort of familiar surroundings, the atmosphere, the decor, the tranquility, the art scattered all over my home, the books and each thing in my room, that contains a hundred memories.

You? What do you love about your home?  Tell me in my comment box!
photo: Alex Sawyer Unsplash.


  1. Beautifully done corner , Preeti! I always admire how maintained your home looks in all the pics that you share.

    I love the memories attached to all the things that my husband and I bought together to make the rented house our home.

    1. I have a similar bookshelf, and my home in UK was a lot like this. In India its slightly different :)

  2. I love each and everything about my home. A small corner where I have my indoor plants sitting is my favourite thing ma'am.

    1. Nice! I love my cactus garden too :)

  3. The best place in my home is the swing in the balcony which me and my hubby bought together during my pregnancy, wherein i spent time singing lullabies to aarush when he was an infant and where I couch during winters to read your novels Preeti...where I sit in silence and think deeply for hours..that my fav place...my balcony my swing where i find my me time...

  4. Interior Design and that KING feel which we get as soon as we enter our home

  5. I love my balcony....the view from there and the birds which perch their often.

  6. I love the feel I get when I reach home.. even the smell of my room.. my bed.. I'm talking about my own home.. Now I'm married and staying with husband.. Infact I'm not very nostalgic abt being here..

  7. Love is where home is...💝

  8. Yes, I too was away from home for three weeks. I traveled to Dubai to be with my daughter Lekshmi and Midhun . My daughter is on the family way and I went there to bring her home at Trivandrum, Kerala, South India. My stay at Dubai was really enjoyable . But when I returned home with my daughter on February 10th , I had the same feeling HOME, SWEET HOME.

  9. Home is life. The best thing i like about my home is that i am amidst people who love me unconditionally.


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