February is here, and so is my blog marathon!

Hey there!

All of you, the regular readers of this blog know that I do a blog marathon each year. It's a term coined by yours truly. It means that I will be posting a new entry, every single day, the whole of this month! So don't forget to hit 'subscribe' on top of this blog (see the button there? Right on top?) to get my posts right in your, inbox.

A lot of people tell me that they wait for my blog marathon. They write in and tell me that whenever I start my blog marathon, they start their day by reading my posts.

Thank you so much for that! A request--please do leave me comments, so that I know you have read it. Else it feels like I am talking to a wall :)  I will definitely try and reply to all the comments left in my comment box.

On some days, I will be posting the sketches I make.
On some days, it may be a short entry. On some other days, there might be longer posts.

One thing that I follow on this blog, is that it is a happy place. WE do not have control over what happens to us, but we do have control over what we choose to focus on!

So join me, by subscribing, and leaving comments.

Together, let's make February a positive one, by counting our blessings, and focussing on what is going right!



  1. Absolutely. . .. starting it again.... Awaiting your blog posts... We will have a good Feb together.. let's celebrate the month of togetherness...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why did you delete the comment?! :)

  3. I love to read your blog marathon... keep writing... Can learn new things and get inspired .. beautiful thought "WE do not have control over what happens to us, but we do have control over what we choose to focus on!"

    1. Thank you :) I had said that in my BBC interview, and it struck a chord with many people. It's what I believe in, whole heartedly. Welcome to my blog :)

  4. And I guessed it right😜

    1. Yes, and welcome to my blog :) Hope to see you regularly in the comment section now that you have guessed ;-) :)

  5. So looking forward to your blog marathon, Preeti. Always amazed on how you come up with interesting stuffs every single day. Happy February to you too 😊

  6. Which is your next book coming up

    1. Love a Little Stronger in April this year, which is a relaunch of my first book. Then another one later in the year.

  7. Hello Preeti.. Your articles are true inspiration most of the times .. Awaiting for the blog marathon.. I always like them to read and I like it even more when you reply each of your readers ��

  8. Yes! Yes! Yes! Can't believe a month has gone by so quickly, it's like 2018 is moving even faster than 2017. It always feels good to hear from you and looking forward to hearing from you everyday this month.
    Much love ;-)

  9. Thanks for starting the Blog marathon Preeti. I can't wait to read your posts every day. I can already imagine the amount of positive energy that i m gonna feel this month by reading your blogs and the good results it is gonna have in my life this month. I have some stressful events this month and i m sure ur posts will give me the energy to surpass positively. Looking forward to your posts. Just let me know what time you generally write your posts so that i can read them first thing in the morning..good luck and cheers for Preeti..

  10. In had subscribed to your blog but sadly i dnt get updates about your new posts...

    1. Please check your spam and other settings Shally. Everyone seems to be getting it in their inbox as many are replying from there. It would be very difficult for me to stick to an exact time to post, as I am also currently working on my 10th novel, and I post after I finish my writing for the day.

  11. I love love love your articles. Your new book was ordered for me by a friend in India since I am in US. I am awaiting the book to come home to me and take me to a beautiful land. 😊

    1. Thanks so much :) My books are available in the US too on amazon.com
      Also on Kindle and wherever ebooks are sold.

  12. Happy to hear this. I check is their any updates on fb ,instagram,blog I feel happy when u post smethng .I reread and watch ur books and interviews I never felt like boring .I love the way ur write .ur writing gave me intrestng view towards life .r else I used be very boring with my routine stuff.

    1. Thank you so very much Bhavani! So sweet of you. Yes, will blog about weight loss--I have already blogged about it in the past. You can search using my search box.

    2. Am glad mam that u r replied .yes I did gone through those post.more I want u to write mam.and also booklist.

  13. I am glad if u write about books to read.so that I can read this year.and also more about instant weight management .am 24 yr of age and my weight is 73.I badly waiting to loose weight .I started doing exercise and also mainting diet.and I feel their r no results.

  14. Your posts give me so much positivity, Thank you for starting blog marathon. :) :)

  15. Looking forward Preeti

    1. Thank you jootsna..I look forward to your comments too :)

  16. I have read all your books and have been following your blog regularly for quite some time and really enjoy your posts. Looking forward to your posts daily.

  17. I adore you as a person completely.. and you are one positive soul i always look forward in downs of my life �� keep spreading positivity and motivation .. i take you as an inspiration and always drawn to your blogs and writings whenever i have to dig deep to myself and enjoy my time in life .. thank you for all your posts and writings .. ��

  18. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/submission/8262/Blogathon

    "An online event in which bloggers {people who write for blogs} contribute to a particular blog more frequently and for an extended period of time. Abbreviation for {blogging marathon}"

    So no, the term was not coined by you. But good luck for the month long blogging!

  19. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Couldn’t have waited for anything more..!!! Daily Reading and surely will put comments as always..!!!

  20. Can't wait for 30 full days of positivity :)

  21. First blog marathon of this year!! Yay! Thanks a lot for this! Let's have fabulous February together 🤗


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