Life is so unpredictable. Stop judging! #Sridevi

This morning I woke up to the news of the legendary Sridevi, being no more at 54. I have grown up watching her movies. She is a tremendously talented actor.

I have been reading so many write-ups about her. There are whatsapp forwards, blog posts, news reports, status updates and so much more.

What I do not understand is how people comment on her personal life. They have watched her movies, or met her at an event, or know her through 'friends of friends' etc. They talk about how she 'tried to hold on to her beauty', how she went under the scalpel, how she was stressed etc etc.
Everything about her is open game --no matter what the truth is.

I am saddened reading these discussions.

I lost my father to a cardiac arrest. He was healthy,  fit as a fiddle, had none of the age related ailments and looked so much younger for his years. He had twice the energy of someone half his age. Even on the day he passed away, he had gone for his usual 6 km walk. He was just 66.  It was no age to go. His death was a huge paradigm shift for me. It altered forever the way I look at things.

Cardiac arrests happen.
It can happen to you, to me--to anybody.

STOP JUDGING. Don't assume you have the right to take anybody's personal life apart, just because their death was untimely, that too of natural causes.

Please say a prayer for her family.
And for her soul.

Nothing more.


  1. So true mam , not sure how can ppl talk when the person is gone , if they were so concerned about her cosmetic surgeries they would have approached her when she was alive

    1. Yes...Am still in shock about her death. And the sheer insensitivity of comments abour her personal life, her looks--everything.

  2. Well, if you try to steal away other's husband and make a life, that does not evidently augur well for you as well as we see. Again, on top of that if you also tweak the natural process of aging by hook or by crook, looks like these are not the good qualities. But, now all that is over, we do pray for the peace of her soul. I hope, you take birth in this country again and again.

    1. what a disgusting comment Sundar, by your comment, everyone who has had extramartial affairs should be dead and by that account shouldnt Boney Kapoor be gone first as he is the one who cheated, whats wrong with you? male chavunistic much.

  3. Life is what you make it..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Amazingly scribbled mam!! Humanity is on the verge of extinction!! And everybody has the right to take thier personal decisions; be it marriage or anything!! It makes us very small, that we even let these kind of thougts enter our nerves!! Sridevi was undoubtely a legend!! Nation will surely miss her!! She has made us the part of true indian cinema!! Cheers to her work and life!

  6. I agree with you @Preeti Shenoy. There is a difference between human being and being human, and talking/commenting insensitively about someone who is no more is pathetic and a shame to be called as a human. We should learn to see the brighter side of her life, achievements, and the hard work she put to become a role model to many women.
    The bible says "Do not judge, lest you will be judged"
    May her soul rest in peace. It was an untimely death, and shock to scores of people.
    Condolences to the family, friends and admirers.

  7. We just know her as An actresses and have nothing to do with her personal life. She was fabulous at her work and that's what matters to us She truly was a legend in indian cinema. May her soul rest in peace.

  8. Hers was a life lived to the lees..she was beautiful and a great actress...her personal life is nobody's business but hers...may her soul rest in peace...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My mind ceases to think anything further. A beauty. An epitome of acting. Graceful. Living life with family. Enjoying holidays. A last dubai journey. A wedding. Dancing. An uninvited cardiac arrest. A legend gone. So suddenly? How? Why? What will happen to her girls? Why so soon?

  11. She will be remembered for her versatility and commitment to her profession .RIP Sridevi

  12. As a person, and above all a HUMAN, it is very unbelievable for such a soul to pass away at a young age. But, with her passing away, she has taught us a lesson, which we should not neglect, "ENJOY EVERY MOMENT, FOR YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS IN STORE FOR US IN THE NEAR FUTURE."

  13. Every person is born with a purpose in life. She was a huge star and entertained the audience through her acting and tremendous screen presence.
    As fans we should celebrate her life as an actress.

  14. It is a very sad news that shocked whole of the country. So nobody could shut their mouth and let the soul rest in peace.. but if what they say about her drowning in a bathtub being unconscious due to alchol. That's a unfortunate way to go. I'd pray I would atleast get a swimming pool if I had to drown..


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