A Throwback post to a Cosmopolitan shoot

I think memories are very important. Without memories, we are nothing. It is the past that makes us who we are.
One of my author friends, posted this snap on her Instagram, and it brought back memories of that wonderful afternoon, when Cosmopolitan magazine featured all of us for a shoot, and flew us to Delhi.

This is one of the pictures from the shoot, and we were all featured in the magazine the following month.
A wonderful afternoon indeed.

Tomorrow, I am off to make many more happy memories. One of my closest friends is getting married, and I am so so so happy for him. I am flying with my family, to attend his wedding. I have to wake up at the unearthly hour of 3.00 am, as I have an early morning flight to catch.
(but that does not mean my blog marathon is excused. I promised a new post every day, and promises are promises. What can I say? I am old fashioned that way :) )

Shall blog again tomorrow.
See you then!
Good night.


  1. Wonderful beautiful pic...somehow seeing you all ladies instil a different energy in me and firms my believe that we women are not less and if we have the will we can achieve anything.. we can make a life of our own...we can get out of our comfort zone and do something different. And lastly I so love the fact that you are dedicated and take your promises so seriously...i have learnt this lesson from one of my close friend praveen who taught me how to value ones own words and how to not make promises if you can't fulfill them. Never had I taken my own self and words so seriously except after having met this friend of mine and i can see that you are equally dedicated..there is so much to learn from you Preeti that i am at awe what to pick and what to leave. You are not tradiational you are mixture of everything.. ..a unique person in your self...

    1. Am glad you find it inspiring. And yes, a promise is a promise.
      I guess each one of us is unique!

  2. Happy journey mam...
    Enjoy the wedding

  3. Nice photo.....indeed a wonderful memory for you...

  4. Wonderful photoshoot. Have a nice time at the wedding. Enjoy.

  5. Your commitment is something I actually look upon ma'am 😊


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