A one minute writing challenge for you.

There's a site called One word.
It's very simple. You will see one word at the top of the screen. You have sixty seconds to write about it. You don't have to think..You have to just write.

I did that for today's post.  The word I got was


Here's what I came up with.

 She danced as she thought no one was watching. But unknown to her Mr. D’souza was by the door. She winced in pain, grimaced but nevertheless carried on. It was important to her. She was dying. Only, no one knew but her.

Your turn now!
Go :)
And once you have written it, come back and share it here, in my comment box. (share your word, as well as what you wrote)
[You can also see other people's entries for the same word on the site]

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash


  1. Reaching is the word i got and below is what i wrote ...

    Reaching the top most level of the mountain is what I feel like doing today.. reaching the sky aiming to be at the top where I m happy contented is what I want to do today

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's aim can be whatever you want it to be! Its a creative writing exercise.

      I have spoken many times about both my releases this year on my Instagram Live :)
      Thanks for your suggestion, but when I write, I am in a different world. I don't have access to this world. My thoughts flow from another dimensions, and my characters speak,I listen and transcribe :)
      Will not be possible for me to incorporate the reader's suggestions or ideas as it interferes with the creative process.
      You can be a part of my writing journey by continuing to read my books (if you find value in them) and continuing to support me..thanks!

    2. With this blog what we can learn is how to be creative thanku so much mam

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I was about to reach my goal.. Reaching a state of mind where no one can hurt me was my goal.. And I was about to reach it.. That was when he took the tongue sword.. That was when I died..

  5. I got the word reaching...this is what I wrote..
    She was on the verge of reaching home after 14 years spent in boarding school. She used to rarely come home on holidays. She regretted it now that she was old enough to appreciate the scenic beauty that whizzed past her. She couldn't wait to see her family. The train journey had kindled a new found love for her hometown.

  6. Reaching was my word.
    He said he was reaching soon. As I waited and waited night turned to day . Finally I realised he would never come back. He had taken off, left me for good , dumped me. But I wasn't going to take it lying down. I'll be back !

  7. Reaching was my word

    Reaching one's goals is very important in life. Milestones shape a persons life. It is all about setting goals and attaining them. Live live to the full.

  8. Thank you for introducing the website to us. I got Reaching as my word. Here is what I wrote :

    I turned to my side and reached out. Thin air is all I got. I had been dreaming again. This dream was the window to the parallel world. I reached out to jump into it, only to get a bump in my head. That time was gone. That touch was gone. All I was left with was the sensation of the possibilities and ache in my belly of having had a chance. Only if I had reached out more or maybe had not reached out at all. The all too familiar what ifs, the all too familiar curl in a ball sensation!

  9. I had written some sort of songs or may be lines u can say as like

    1. What do u think what u got
    Words u spit words u bought
    No matter what context, you thought
    Peoples does shoot words apart
    But they never thought where its gonna heart hurts alot

    2.i keep thinking of you what u did instead
    you thought me as threat but that wasn't intent
    me and my friends disgusting she added comment
    who the fuck r u judging me frequent
    look urself in mirror like pimp doll ancient
    She took finger mic spit words that ruined life
    when we booze liquor like chop head constant fight.

    These are some lines close to my heart if you wanna add in your upcoming novel u can written by me i had blog too i write rap but its my hobby.

    Thanks for asking
    I also would love to write but due to some consequences i had story too that y i write some raps saying stories...

    Wish u luck in your upcoming novel

    Have a good day

  10. Hello Mam,

    I got the word 'specific'.

    There are no specific rules to be happy. No self-help book can teach you such rules. It entirely depends on the person how he goes about it. My happiness is totally mine and I have to find it on my own, not in a specific person or a specific thing. It has to be a quest with your own self.

  11. Specific
    I was way too specific about the kind of guy that I wanted to get married to, Sriram was my definition of specific, chiseled jaw, a lot of attitude and flawless English. It is only now when I try to correct Karthik’s grammar do I realize how unspecific and uncertain life can be!


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