The AI-1. (Post 13)

My daughter who is 12, was given a project in her class. She had to present any gadget with modifications which she wished existed. She could either take an existing gadget and write about the features she wished it had,  or she could think up of an entirely new gadget.

Of course, she chose the latter.

She invented something which she called the AI-1

This was the cover of her project.

And here is what was inside:

 I thought it was really creative and clever. On the right side, you can see that she has drawn a button--if you press it, the gadget turns into a small micro-chip. On the left side there is another button which if you press, it turns into a giant television with suction cups which you can then fix on a wall and watch. It also comes with a mini-pocket charger.  She has explained the other features of the gadget , as you can see.

When she came home from school, I asked her whether she presented her project and what the teacher said. My daughter just shrugged and said that the bell went before her turn came, and it would probably come in the next class.
'Never mind. You can always present it later,' I said.

But my daughter said that she was going to make a new one.

'Why? This is so good, original and clever,' I said.

She replied that another student had presented something which did not exist in the real world, and the teacher felt it was too 'virtual'. (sic)

So my daughter felt she would say the same about her gadget too.

I didn't know what to say.


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  1. Madam .this is one of the reason why many of the talented in our nation are still in the backstage no is there to support them....not even their parents

  2. oh--what a poem. Loved it! And yes Purvi's idea was so original, maybe someday there will be a gadget liek that and she will be proud of her design.

  3. Awww.. that must be such a horrible situation for you to see Purvi like that... :(
    Please make her believe in herself and let her know that it doesn't matter what her teacher thinks... May be someday Purvi can be a part of that technology which she has just imagined... Great mind I must say!!!

    1. Oh--Purvi wasn't bothered at all. She is too old now to be affected by what a teacher says! She was rather proud of what she made. But she knows in order to score marks, she has to present what the teacher wants.

    2. oh crumbs - not happy reading about changing your original idea to something else just so you can score more marks. Practically speaking, I know its necessary but breaks my heart.

    3. Let me put it this way...Say you wanted to present an idea you had in ypur office which wasn't at all what was asked for---say they asked for an idea to solve X and you come up with a great idea to solve Y,Z and A...Would you still go ahead and present it?

      My guess would be you would give them an idea to solve X, and then say 'Hey--here is something I thought of. Do you think this would work?'

      How different is this from that?

    4. Yes this is pretty cool!!! This is what perfect management is all about.Giving a solution to the question as well putting forth your idea too ! :)

  4. umm... but weren't they told that something that didn't exist can also be featured? Well, personally, I think she did a great job by presenting an out of the box idea. Her efforts for trying something completely new is commendable. I really wish the teacher can see that trait of hers (and the other student's as well)


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