I am like this Vonly :) 100% genuine

Yesterday was one of those 'near-perfect' days for me. I had a really great time, spending time with the family, going out, relaxing--after very long. (It has been so hectic)

I had asked my son to click a picture of me. I had worn my favourite shirt (yes, black--no surprises there), favourite pair of jeans and favourite shoes ( which to my surprise, is still not available India.).

Feeling quite pleased with the picture, I posted it on my FB author page, last night and went to bed. I always put the date on which my pictures are clicked because so many people presume that I have posted an old picture (why in the world should I do that?!) and ask me when the picture was clicked.

This morning when I woke up, I was surprised by the huge flood of comments that this pic (which I thought was such an innocuous one!) has generated. Most of them have been so complimentary  and have gushed so much that I think it will take a year for the blush on my cheeks to vanish.

But a few comments I got took the cake-- some people have commented saying 'Be careful folks--this is a fake picture. Don't fall for it' and 'Post your real photo--not somebody else's' .

LOL.What is fake?! My shoes? :) (Don't women in India wear shoes?!!) . And for the record, my shoes are authentic, I spent a small fortune on them, I guard them jealously and I absolutely love them.
Is my smile fake? :) (It is hundred percent genuine--it is my special moronic smile which creeps up automatically when it spots a camera pointing at me--it has been honed so well that it has now graduated to the elevated status of a reflex action.)

Are my jeans fake? No--I spent a small fortune on those too (Levis demi curve, skinny, crystal blue if you must know)

What about the shirt then?  That too  is 100% genuine--Van Heusen has a great range for women.

The car, the trees in the background and even my bag isn't fake.  Why, even the ground that I am standing on, is not fake .

It is all real, I can assure you that. Maybe I should wear a label on my forehead saying '100% authentic' :D

I guess I should just be thankful that though I cannot convince the non-believers, I can tell them through this post , that my books are real :) (Go on and click on the link if you don't believe me)

I am still so amused at the cynicism of some people! :)
I am real guys--believe me ;-)
I am like this vonly :D  (no, not a typo)

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  1. Lovely pic:-) i have been reading all your posts since a year now. I have even read your books. You are amazing!!! And i really mead it :-)))

  2. Anonymous3:48 PM

    You look so beautiful Preeti as your name suggest. It is one in a million pic:) You should ignore those people as I found that there are so many frustrated people on FB and that's why I temporariy de-activated my account.

    1. Post was completely in a lighter vein Vishal!It is filed under 'funny/amusing'. It's a tongue in cheek kind of post. Of course, secretly I am as pleased as a punch that they actually think it's a fake. I was just showing off :)

    2. hhehe! It's fun and it's showing on ur face that were pleased and enjoying the attention, Preeti:)

  3. You look absolutely fabolous!

  4. LOL :) Why would people not believe some people can look real good! Beats me! Why is everything believed to be great only on the screen? Crazy folks!

  5. Wow Preeti,
    That's a pair I would love to own.

  6. Lol :) some people sounds so funny !!! may be they really cant digest how gorgeous and successful you are.I know mam you have a healthy disdain to such Retard Morons :D :)

  7. You've got a great fashion sense ! Those shoes look SO good. *eyes them with jealousy*

  8. Very Nice Post :)

    By the way, if anyone want best prices for books, go to MyDeals247.com they create competition among the sellers instantaneously. Had the best experience there :)

  9. Lovely as your writings.

  10. Too good!! :D
    And, we love you like this vonly! Keep being awesome! :)


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