What do you write about? (post 11 blog marathon)

 Last evening, we had a dinner party with a couple of good friends.

There were some people whom I was meeting for the first time and who hadn't heard of me. One of them asked me 'What do you write about?'

If I were to answer honestly, I would say I write about everything. I write about a leaf fallen on a pavement that prompted me to write  a poem. I write about my guinea pigs. I write about relationships. I write about my feelings and those of others. I write about marriages.I write about places that I find interesting. I write about people I find interesting. I write funny stuff sometimes. I write inspirational stuff sometimes. Mostly I just write whatever is on top of my mind at that point in time.I write straight from the heart.

I wanted to say all of this. Instead I found myself giving the standard answer which I give when people ask me that question.  I found myself saying 'I write commercial fiction and I am one of India's popular authors.Just google my name and you will get all details.'

I really do not know if people actually care when they ask that question. Perhaps it is idle curiosity. Perhaps they are genuinely interested. Perhaps  they are not. The reactions I get from people when I say that I am an author are varied.

Most are very impressed on meeting me. They invite me to their homes  for a cup of tea (and I am always grateful for that). Some couldn't care less. Some remember my details  and then get in touch with me later,asking if I would read a manuscript written by someone they know, or they write and ask me how to get published. Some cannot believe that I am actually 'Preeti Shenoy'. :)

When I meet people, I am not even conscious that I am a popular author.

It is only when they ask what I do, that I remember!

I am of course happy and proud of all my success. But I do honestly believe I have a very long way to go yet.

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  1. I like the way you end most posts. "Some cannot actually believe that you are Preeti Shenoy" ? I wonder how sometimes people know others by name and not identification and sometimes the other way round. It's just awkward, atleast to me.

    1. They would have read my books and they cannot believe they are meeting me.This usually happens when I am recognized..So people come and ask me 'Are you Preeti Shenoy' and then they just can't believe that they have met me.

  2. :).Nice one
    By the way,it must be a little taxing on the mind to come up with a blogpost everyday,considering you are also working on your next book,arent you?
    I also blog and can only blog when I am 'in the mood',otherwise find it difficult
    looking forward to next blogpost.

  3. :D I had my best laughter... Great!!! this must be very hilarious situation for you!!! OMG I am still laughing... :D

  4. and some people like me keep staring at their computer screens... because they actually received a reply from a celebrity author :) :) .. you are an inspiration Preeti.. thank you for being you ♥

  5. i sometimes feel that you exaggerate a situation ... i think you told this straight from the heart thing a lot of times .... phewww... why do you keep on telling same thing again and again , world knows it when they read your books or blog, do you need to explain yourself all the time ???????

  6. hope even i do get thoughts and words to write about any topic... you are incredible... thank you for posting your each and every eye catching blogs.!!

  7. you rock--waiting to meet you someday and then boast about it :)


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