Life's detours. (Post 8, blog marathon)

Today a good friend, again a best-selling author of children's books, Sonja Chandrachud called me up.

Sonja with one of her books

Sonja was the one who launched my book Tea for two and a piece of cake, at Pune and she had conducted the session beautifully.(She totally loved the book too :) )

We had a very long, lovely and interesting conversation. I always enjoy my conversations with my Author friends (like mentioned in yesterday's post). It is wonderful to talk to minds that have so much to offer. I find it very stimulating.

One of the things Sonja and I discussed was about how we make plans and yet life takes you in a completely different direction. She shared her experiences and I shared mine. Both of us concluded that trying to control everything in our lives, is really an exercise in futility.

Does that mean you have to stop making plans and trying to get to your goal, as everything is pre-destined? No! Certainly not.

It just means that you have to be open-minded enough to enjoy the detours that life throws at you. The road may be long and winding. The road may not take you to where you want to go. But what would really make a difference is how you ride the path, and how willing are you to make the best use of the destination the path has taken you to, and then make plans as to how to now reach the original goal (which may have shifted by then).  Complicated, isn't it?

I for one, am glad that I have such a wonderful support system--family which stands by me, friends who love me a lot and folks like you who shower me with so much adulation/love/fan-mails etc.

I think no matter what you achieve in life, it will always be sweeter when you have people in your life who genuinely care for you.

If you are blessed enough to have even one such person, appreciate them and let them know. Keep in touch with them. Call them and connect to them. (Not just through Facebook or whatsapp!). Go see them in person and spend time with them.

And sometimes, when things do not go your way, take a deep breath and let go!

And yes, while you are at it, try to see the good in the detours.

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  1. It's so nice to see both authors together!!!!
    Thanks for the post!!!! I enjoyed a lot!!!


  2. Great talk ...which I am seriously in need now...thank you

  3. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Beautifully said as always :)
    Treasure your friendship dearly!!
    Adding on...tis so important to infuse the carefree spirit of adventure...makes life so much fun, right?

  4. Anonymous12:40 AM

    soul curry for the soul:) It's superawesome to have friends with whom u can take conversations to another level. Looking fward to the book of Sonja:)

  5. Hi Madam, I found your blog last week and finished reading all the posts as a silent reader. Lots of advises and worthy notes. Thank you. Very proud of you. You are a superwoman. Will visit your blog often.

  6. Meeting your friends in person is absolute cure for all your worries, only few people are lucky to be around with their friends... Keeping in touch with them really helps to sail through a bad phase/ unplanned activities... :)

  7. i wish mam, that you would write an autobiography someday...i would love to read your thoughts...we all readers would love it...

  8. Mam, you write simply beautiful.... an oasis of words..... adore your writing! Ur posts are so wonderful always look forward to read them :)))
    Just completed reading The secret Wish list.... loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. What a wonderful & comforting post !! :) :)

  10. Preeti, myself going through a phase in life for which I had never planned, about which I had never dreamt. Hope the open-mindedness you recommend comes to me, and am able to at least face, if not enjoy, this detour the life has thrown at me.


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