Wordless Wednesday 37. Blue (post 15)

A picture I clicked in a small street bazaar in Bangalore, India. Loved the blue and the colours in this pic.

This is my entry for Wordless Wednesday.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice picture!!! Shades of blue colour reminds me a picture of an ocean... also the colours of this picture and the colours of the cover page of your book 'The Secret Wishlist' looks alike... :)

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM

    awesome pic:)

  4. Such clicks, I mean from real life, are the most inspiring ones. For an artist its a great piece of work. I recently read "Life is what you make it" and henceforth started reading your blog regularly. I felt connected with you and I think your view point of life is something I can identify with. I'm looking forward to start with your next book. Great job. God bless you :)

  5. It looks colorful lik all ur FRUITFUL books!!!


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