On working hard. (Post 19)

Most days I work a lot. I just can't sit still (except when I am meditating) or idle away time. It has become such an ingrained part of my personality that I don't even notice it. It is only when someone points it out that it hits home as to how hard-working I really am. Especially if that someone pointing it out, happens to be your fifteen year old son.

I had just cooked an elaborate Chinese three course meal. It turned out really well. ("Maaa, this is even better than the stuff at Mainland China", both my kids exclaimed, which is the ultimate compliment when it comes to Chinese cooking). I felt pleased as I had spent quite a lot of time in the kitchen making this, and it indeed had been a lot of work. (Like the protagonist in my book Tea for two and a piece of cake, I too have a done a certificate course in cooking).

A picture of the stuff I cooked'

Now, the one thing that I detest is a messy kitchen (or a messy home for that matter). So I asked my son to help me clear up.

There was stuff to be put away, stuff to be put for washing, table-mats to be put away, plates to be cleared. And finally the table had to be wiped clean.

My son, after a hearty meal, was feeling lazy. But of course I recruited him into 'The task of clearing up'.

'Okay--now put these plates for washing. Okay, now put away the mats. Okay--I have transferred the leftovers into smaller bowls--can you put them in the fridge?' I issued the orders like a General in the army, and he followed like a faithful soldier.

Finally he groaned 'Maaa--why do you always have to be so hardworking?'

After a stunned silence, I burst out laughing, and then told him I am definitely blogging about this.

Honestly--what choice did I have? :-) 


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  1. I expect more parenting stuffs from you Mam, like the one you posted.....
    It just brought back my childhood memories....


  2. Replies
    1. 希望你在那里:)

    2. Why you both comment box le Kolam pottu practising?

  3. Hahaha...work and teens don't go together, Preeti, unless of curse the work is technology related :D Loved reading this and the 3-D quilling ost. It's been ages since I peeped in here.


    1. ha ha.. Yeah Suma :) He actually said "if I were you, I wouldn't bother cleaning up. i will just let it lie there." :) :)

  4. *of course...*pressed REPLY too soon !

  5. The foods looks super yummy.. :-). I could actually imagine the Chinese food being made while reading Tea for two and a piece of cake.Now i know why :-). You leave some part of yours in every character you weave... Guess that's the reason,the characters are so realistic .

    Love the way U involve your kids in household cores.It will really help them go a long way.


    1. Yes Nitu :) very observant of you, I must say :)
      Thank you for leaving a comment and hope you have a great day!


  6. Ooooh!
    Now that made me hungry

  7. The food lookes delicious..Interesting perspective Preeti and you know what I can now relate to my mom.. she also never sits idle and is always doing this or the other while I just love lying down, laze and think ... So in the weekend when I would laze, roll in the bed, just enjoying my day off, she gets irritated..because I guess in her dictionary hardwork is the only thing.. seeing me lazying around like that, she will entrust a work to me, like say dusting the furnitures.. I would say to her that it will be done and i will do it when its time and mostly after having done with my lazying .. but who listens, in regular intervals she will keep reminding me that its undone.. and this would lead to a fight.. nevertheless I just guess she is hardworking and her hands keep itching unless everything is not complete and perfect....

  8. all I saw was the food! :D

  9. wow--certificate in cooking(that is a new one I have heard about you) , just when I was thinking I knew all :)

  10. Good that your kids realise that!


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